Page 109 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 109

                IFBB DIAMOND CUP
               l i v e r p o o l   -   u k

                     BODYBUIDING                                                                        tAn
                        OVERALL:                                                                        image to be
                     Jordi Martínez                                                                     excited Jordi
                      Zafra (Spain)                                                                     Zafra and
                                                                                                        Miguel Angel
                   With famous Manuel Cañadillas                                                        Martínez
                   as a very demanding                                                                  celebrating
                   challenger, Jordi Martínez's                                                         victory.
                   victory became very tough
                   and very emotional, what can
                   be seen at this photo, taken
                   just after the awarding
                   ceremony and showing him
                   with his trainer Mr. Miguel
                   Angel Martínez, who stood
                   behind many of Spanish
                   medals won in the Echo Arena
                   in Liverpool. Martinez finally
                   achieved his goal in his third
                   try, after losing to Luke
                   Debono (Malta) in Barcelona
                   and Lahti. And it was a very
                   spectacular triumph, in front of
                   four other Spanish champions
                   standing in the line-up.  A very
                   special, historical moment for
                   Spanish bodybuilding.

                 CLASSIC BODYBUILDING q

                                                                                                      tJudges didn’t
                                                                                                    hesitate, awarding the
                                                                                                     quality of the Italian
                                                                                                    star Antonio Ludovico.
                                                                                                    The perfect score of 5
                                                                                                    points reflects his top
                        CLASSIC                   CLASSIC                                            body condition and
                    BODYBUILDING              BODYBUILDING                                          great physique, enough
                                                                                                     good to be placed
                      Up to 175 cm category     Over 175 cm category                                  ahead of William
                  Gold:  William Monzeer     Gold:  Antonio Ludovico (Italy)                           Monzeer (UK).
                       (United Kingdom)     Silver:    Austin Williams
                  Silver:    Andrea Felici (Italy)  (United Kingdom)
                  Bronze:  Jafar Alqallaf (Kuwait)  Bronze:  Zack McGuirk (United Kingdom)       CLASSIC
                  4  place:  Vinnie Thurairsau    4  place:  Ali Rus (United Kingdom)
                       (United Kingdom)     5  place:  Andrew Fisher (United Kingdom)        BODYBUILDING
                  5  place:  Ali Alhaddad (Kuwait)  6  place:  Reno Banks (United Kingdom)       OVERALL:
                                                                                              Antonio Ludovico
                 pClassic Bodybuilding up to 175 cm   pClassic Bodybuilding over 175
                 category champion William Monzeer   cm category champion Antonio                   (Italy)
                       (United Kingdom).         Ludovico (Italy).
                  108  2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
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