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                   Italy was a dominant force, taking 6 medals, including 3 gold, won by Nicola
                   Barlotta (75 kg); Alex Zuccaro (80 kg and Andrea Presti (+100 kg and overall). Then
                   Spain, with 3 medals, including Abel Martin victory in 90 kg class. Other categories
                   were won by so well-known competitors like Piotr Borecki (Poland, 80 kg), Kille
                   Kujala  (Finland, 95 kg) and Avraam Kyriacou (Cyprus, 100 kg). Two master                     Masters
                   bodybuilding titles went to Roger Tanner (Switzerland, 40-49 years) and the local            50 years
                   audience hero Antoine Zerafa (Malta, +50 years). The most tough duel: Nicola                  4  place
                   Barlotta vs. Marcos Herrera in 75 kg class (tied in first two rounds, Barlotta won       winner: Mintxo
                   the routine).                                                                                Lasaosa.

                          Roger Tanner                    Antoine Zerafa                   Nicola Barlotta

                       MASTERS 40-49 YEARS             MASTERS OVER 50 YEARS                MEN UP TO 75 KG
                    Gold:  Roger Tanner (Switzerland)  Gold:  Antoine Zerafa (Malta)  Gold:  Nicola Barlotta (Italy)
                    Silver:  Christian Corvaglia (Italy)  Silver:  Fabio Pizzaferri (Italy)  Silver:  Marcos Herrera (Spain)
                    Bronze:  Ott Kiivikas (Estonia)    Bronze:  John Xurueb (Malta)    Bronze:  Yahya Atsh (Kuwait)

                          Alex Zuccaro                     Piotr Borecki                    Abel Martín

                          MEN UP TO 80 KG                  MEN UP TO 85 KG                 MEN UP TO 90 KG
                    Gold:  Alex Zuccaro (Italy)      Gold:  Piotr Borecki (Poland)    Gold:  Abel Martín (Spain)
                    Silver:  Omar Haydar (Denmark)  Silver:  Ott Kiivikas (Estonia)  Silver:  Hyder Qasem (Iraq)
                    Bronze:  Petros Pavlou (Cyprus)    Bronze:  Simone Meiattini (Italy)    Bronze:  Andrea Raniolo (Italy)

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