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P. 159

Bodyfitness up to 158 cm class champion
                                        Laura Antoft (Denmark).u                            Bodyfitness
                      Noelia Segura (Spain) proclaimed the Bodyfitness overall              up to 163 cm
                                                                                          class champion
                  winner by Mr. Jose Ramos and IFBB Gen. Secretary Mr. William            Bernice Sangers
                   For the Spanish athlete, Noelia Segura, it would be
                   impossible to find out a better moment for success: she
                   won the most desired overall title on the day of her
                   birthday! By 1 point over Jenny Söderström (Sweden).        BODYFITNESS
                   First, she won the tall class (+168 cm) also by 1point        (Up to 158 cm)
                   over her team-mate Laura Veiguela. No more fortune
                   was needed. Laura Antoft (Denmark) won the 158 cm           Gold:  LAURA ANTOFT (Denmark)
                   clas being tied with Antonia Pasevski (Sweden).            Silver:  Antonia Pesevski (Sweden)
                                                                               Bronze:  Vanessa Blesa (Spain)

                                                                                  (Up to 163 cm)

                                                                              Gold:  BERNICE SANGERS (Netherlands)
                                                                              Silver:  Ipek Altun (Turkey)
                                                                              Bronze:  Elisa Maiorana (Italy)
                                                                                                  tBodyfitness up to 158 cm
                                                                                                  class awarding ceremony
                                                                                                  (from L): Maria Bordera
                                                                                                  (Spain; 6  place), Jennifer
                                                                                                  Cristobal (Spain; 4  place),
                                                                                                  Antonia Pesevski (Sweden;
                                                                                                  silver), Laura Antoft
                                                                                                  (Denmark; gold), Vanesa
                                                                                                  Blesa (Spain; bronze), Mette
                                                                                                  Kragelund (Denmark; 5   th
                          NOELIA SEGURA                                                           place).
                          Bodyfitness overall winner.                                             tBodyfitness up to 163 cm
                                                                                                  class awarding ceremony
                                                                                                  (from L): Susse Hougaard
                                                                                                  (Denmark; 6  place),
                                                                                                  Cristina Menini (Italy; 4
                                                                                                  place), Ipek Altun (Turkey;
                                                                                                  silver), Bernice Sangers
                                                                                                  (Netherlands; gold), Elisa
                                                                                                  Maiorana (Italy; bronze),
                                                                                                  Silvia Lorenzo (Portugal;
                                                                                                  5  place).
                                                              BODYFITNESS            BODYFITNESS         +168 cm class
                                                                (Up to 168 cm)         (Over 168 cm)     Noelia Segura
                                                              Gold:  JENNY SÖDERSTROM (Sweden)  Gold:  NOELIA SEGURA (Spain)
                                                             Silver:  Viola Burk (Germany)  Silver:  Laura Veiguela (Spain)
                                                             Bronze:  Natalia Skulkina (Russia)    Bronze:  Michelle Krontal (Germany)
                 pBodyfitness up to 168 cm class awarding ceremony (from L): Maribel   Bodyfitness up
                 Barnes (Spain; 6  place), Alina Pettke (Poland; 4  place), Viola Burk (Ger-  to 168 cm class
                 many; silver), Jenny Söderstrom (Sweden; gold), Natalia Skulkina (Russia;   champion Jenny
                 bronze), Jennifer Rhode (Germany; 5  place).  Söderstrom

                 pBodyfitness +168 cm class awarding ceremony (from L): Simone Duus (Den-
                 mark; 6  place), Kseniia Bogdanova (Russia; 4  place), Laura Veiguela (Spain;
                 silver), Noelia Segura (Spain; gold), Michelle Krontal (Germany; bronze),
                 Angela Eramo (Italy; 5  place).

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