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2016 IFBB

                    INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS

                                    BENIDORM, SPAIN

                                         By Andrew Michalak / Photos: by Igor Kopcek and EastLabs


                                    CONGRESSES IN THE 21  CENTURY!

                                      “IFBB introduces a lot of new, attractive concepts”

                          “New sport divisions: Games Classic Bodybuilding and Wellness Fitness.”
                               “New Masters classes: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54 and over 55 years.”

                      “New possibility for amateur athletes to earn money - IFBB Elite World Ranking.”

                               raditionally, the IFBB   Balkan or Central Asian     established in Classic Bodybuilding,
                               annual Congress was   Championships) and events.     Men’s Physique and Bikini-Fitness,
                               held in conjunction    Among the most interesting    awarded to an athlete who won three
                               with the IFBB World   proposals approved by the Congress,   overall titles in the Elite Qualifying
                               Bodybuilding         we could see:                   Series in one year. The prize money
                    TChampionships, this                                            will be USD 30,000.
                    time prior to the Championships, on   •  A new division of Men’s Games   Another title, for an athlete, who
                    Friday, November 4th, 2016. Delegates   Classic Bodybuilding is   won 3 times his/her category in the
                    from nearly 60 countries took their   introduced, with a bit less   Elite Qualifying Series. Prize money:
                    seats at the Congress hall to deliberate   bodyweight limits than in   USD 10,000. (Later on this structure
                    how to develop, improve and promote   Classic Bodybuilding and 2 body   and awards was slightly modified).
                    our physique sports and the IFBB    height classes: up to 175 cm and   The Congress approved 3 levels of
                    activity. The Congress started in   over 175 cm.                the IFBB international judges:
                    unusual way, by presenting a special   •  A new division of Women’s
                    award to the IFBB Executive Council   Wellness Fitness was introduced,   • Level C – less experienced judges
                    members from Australia, Paul and    with 4 body height categories: 158   • Level B – more experienced judges
                    Carole Graham, who tragically lost   cm, 163 cm, 168 cm and +168 cm   • Level A – most experienced judges
                    their son.                          as well as masters +35 years old.
                      Then, the Congress approved two   •  The structure of the Elite World   Men’s Physique categories will be
                    new member-countries: Tonga and     Ranking: athletes will compete   moved to the World Bodybuilding
                    Somalia, by which the number of the   in the so called “Elite Qualifying   Championships (from the World
                    IFBB-affiliated countries has raised to   Events” (around 10 per year)   Fitness Championships).
                    193. There was also a moment to     and will be awarded with points,   A new structure of the Masters
                    celebrate the 50th anniversary of the   according to the final places, and   Men’s Bodybuilding and Masters Men’s
                    Estonian Federation.                the following prize money at the   Physique categories was approved:
                      After the President’s Report, which   end of the series:
                    covered the last year’s IFBB activity,                            • 40-44 years old
                    the dates of the next year (2017) main   1  place    USD 15,000   • 45-49 years old
                    events were announced. Beside the   2  place     USD 10,000       • Over 50 years old
                    World and Continental               3  place     USD 5,000
                    Championships, the 2017 IFBB Sport   4  place    USD 3,000        The Best Teams Classification:
                    Calendar includes 5 Arnold Classic   5  place    USD 2,000      there will be no longer A-Team and
                    Amateur events, Olympia Amateur     6-10  places    USD 1,000   B-Team separation. All competitors
                    series, IFBB Diamond Cups and Ben                               from the top 6 in each category will be
                    Weider Legacy Cups. Also some     A new title of the TRIPLE     included in the Best Teams
                    regional championships (like Nordic,   CROWNED CHAMPION was     Classification.

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