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P. 62

tMongolia proved to
                                                                                                be a country where
                                                                                                Bodybuilding and
                                                                                                Fitness are popular
                                                                                                and socially very
                                                                                                appreciated sports.
                                                                                                Here, President
                                                                                                Santonja accompanied
                                                                                                by the new President
                                                                                                of the country, H.E.
                                                                                                Khaltmaa Batulga
                                                                                                (left) and the Prime
                                                                                                Minister of Mongolia
                                                                                                Chief of Cabinet, Mr. E.
                                                                                                S. Khurelsukh Ukhnaa

                                             The General Secretary
                                                 of the Mongolian
                                               Federation MUFBF),
                                              Mr. Ochir Gambaatar
                                               (left), together with
                                             H.E. Khaltmaa Batulga,
                                                 new President of
                                                  the Republic of

                                                   THE BEST TEAMS                     THE BEST TEAMS
                                                        (MALE)                            (FEMALE)
                                             1  IRAN           265 POINTS        1  CHINA          116 POINTS
                 pBodybuilding overall winner,
                 Aliakbar Nik Bakht (Iran),   2  MONGOLIA      175 POINTS        2  JAPAN          80 POINTS
                 flanked by officials (from L):
                 Mr. Ochir Ganbaatar (MUFBF   3  CHINA         166 POINTS        3  REP. OF KOREA    70 POINTS
                 General Secretary) President
                 Santonja, Mr. Khurelsukh    4  UAE            164 POINTS        4  MONGOLIA       41 POINTS
                 Ukhnaa (MUFBF Vice-President
                 and Chief of Cabinet of the   5  REP. OF KOREA    148 POINTS    5  KAZAKHSTAN     25 POINTS
                 Mongolian Prime Minister)
                 and Mr. Sanjay Moore (AFBF   6  JAPAN         85 POINTS         6  SINGAPORE      16 POINTS
                 General Secretary).

                   During the Championships, the Asian Bodybuilding
                   & Fitness Federation (AFBF) held its annual
                   meeting, chaired by Dr. Santonja.

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  61
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67