Page 85 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 85

President Santonja
                       and EBFF Vice-
                        President, Mr.
                   Benedetto Mondello,
                    congratulated one
                     of the top stars of
                     the event, Master
                      Men´s Physique
                     overall winner Rui
                    Ferreira (Portugal).

                                        The Santa Susanna Town Hall, led
                                        by its Mayor, Mr. Joan Campolier
                                        (centre), has been working inten-
                                        sely to support and conduct the

                                                                                                        The Italian Luca
                                                                                                        Biolo seems to
                                                                                                        be determined
                                                                                                        to become an
                                                                                                        IFBB star.
                                                                                                        Winning the
                                                                                                        Junior Men´s
                                                                                                        overall title, he
                                                                                                        will advance in
                                                                                                        the 2017 Elite
                                                                                                        Ranking and
                                                                                                        will seek more
                   President Santonja and                                                               points in the
                   Junior Fitness overall                                                               other events
                   winner Michaela Pavleova                                                             from the Elite
                   listening to the Slovak                                                              series.
                   national anthem during the
                   awarding ceremony.

                                        President Santonja and Mayor Campolier
                                      presented trophies to the best combined Juniors
                                      and Masters teams of the Championships. Spain,
                                        represented by Mr. Jose Ramos, won this
                                       classification, sharing the podium with Russia
                                       (silver) and Italy (bronze), represented by Mr.
                                               Walter Ghezzi.
                                                                                     Top 6 teams (combined)
                                                                                             & points

                                                                                   1  SPAIN     28 + 133 = 161 POINTS
                                                                                   2  RUSSIA   56 + 102 = 158 POINTS
                                                                                   3  ITALY               26 + 92 = 118 POINTS
                                                                                   4  FRANCE   8 + 104 = 112 POINTS
                                                                                   5  SLOVAKIA   75 + 33 = 108 POINTS
                                                                                   6  POLAND   32 + 75 = 107 POINTS

                  84  2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90