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“ South American athletes climb up to the top of the Elite Ranking.                       ”

                  “ Argentina replaced Venezuela as the best team on the continent.                         ”

                                       “Paraguay will host the 2018 event.             ”

                 IT SEEMED DIFFICULT to           (FAM), headed by Mr. Fernando     Championships reflected the
                 achieve but Buenos Aires         Loreiro.                        excellent management carried out
                 managed to break, by more than     More than 500 athletes        by the Argentinean Federation
                 100 athletes, the previous record   representing 10 countries; more   President, Mr. Fernando Loreiro.
                 of participation in the South    than 70,000 online viewers      Perfect facilities and resources for
                 American Bodybuilding & Fitness   during the three-day television   the event, which ended with the
                 Championships, set in 2016 in    retransmission through the IFBB   sport success of the host country:
                 Cuenca (Ecuador). The 43         TV, and more than 3,000         the best team title, exchanging the
                 edition of the CSFF Continental   spectators watching the battle in   last three editions winner,
                 Championships was more than a    the “Costa Salguero” Convention   Venezuela, at the top. Great
                 success, starting with the       Center, made these              success and a demanding challenge
                 excellent organization provided   Championships a historical     to the 2018 edition organizer,
                 by the Argentinean Federation    event.                          Paraguay. See you there!

                                                                                              South American
                                                                                              overall winners
                                                                                            accompanied by Dr.
                                                                                            Rafael Santonja (IFBB
                                                                                           President) and Mr. Juan
                                                                                               Paredes (CSFF

                                                                                                IFBB and CSFF Presidents
                                                                                              proclaiming the Bodybuilding
                                                                                                      overall winner.q

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  97
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103