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                 BOOMING IN AMERICA

                 lBodybuilding and Fitness are very popular in
                 America, and are currently dealing to be included in
                 the Official program of the Panamerican Games 2023
                 in Santiago (Chile), after IFBB’s successful participation
                 in the latest Panamerican Games which took place in
                 Lima 2019, in an event that was celebrated in a fully
                 packed “Coliseo Mariscal Cáceres” auditorium, one
                 of the magnificent world class facilities prepared for
                 these Games, with huge spectators capacity,
                 evidencing the great expectation created by our sport
                 at its Olympic Pan American official debut.

                     President of the Pan American Olympic Organization,
                    Ing. Neven Ilic, in a nice talk with President Santonja and
                     General Santiago Estrada (IFBB Special Advisor) at the
                         Opening Ceremony of the Panamerican Games.

                 CENTRAL AMERICAN

                 AND CARIBBEAN
                 OLYMPIC SPORTS                                                            At the meeting of the Central
                                                                                           American and Caribbean
                 ORGANIZATION                                                              Sports Organization, in
                                                                                           Panama City, greeting Luis
                 RECOGNIZES                                                                Mejia, President of the
                                                                                           Central American and
                                                                                           Caribbean Sports
                 THE IFBB                                                                  Organization (CENTRO
                                                                                           CARIBE SPORTS) and IOC
                 lThe IFBB’s incorporation of
                 bodybuilding and fitness into the                                         The Executive Committee of
                 Olympic regional programs continues                                       the Central America and the
                 to move forward steadily. The                                             Caribbean Sports
                 Executive Committee of the Central                                        Organization (CENTRO
                 American and Caribbean Sports                                             CARIBE SPORTS) at their
                 Organization (CENTRO CARIBE                                               Executive Council Meeting in
                 SPORTS) and later on their General                                        which IFBB was recognized,
                 Assembly, voted in favour of the                                          and Bodybuilding and Fitness
                 official recognition of the IFBB, and                                     were included for its Panama
                 the inclusion of Bodybuilding and                                         2022 Games as medalist
                 Fitness as medallist sports in the next                                   sport
                 edition of the Central American and
                 Caribbean Games, to be celebrated in
                 El Salvador in 2023.
                   The decision made by the CENTRO
                 CARIBE SPORTS is another important
                 step towards integrating the IFBB into
                 Olympism, as well as a motivation to
                 all Bodybuilding & Fitness performers
                 in the area. It is also a meaningful
                 achievement thanks to the hard work
                 of IFBB officials, such as Eng. Eduardo
                 Abdalah, -President of the Pan
                 American Confederation for
                 Bodybuilding & Fitness-, and Gral.
                 Juan Santiago Estrada –IFBB Special
                 Adviser-, who works regularly with
                 President Santonja in the achievement
                 of these important goals.

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