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                  Even in the difficult context of the pandemic, the IFBB World Ranking was able to exceed a thousand athletes
               with points, and also to grow as compared to the previous season, with the inclusion of the Classic Physique
               discipline. After going through all the tests of this season, the last of which was the Fitness Mania 4 (Kladno, Czech
               Rep.), the 2020 IFBB World Ranking Champions were the following 9 athletes:

                          Men’s Bodybuilding:              Men’s Physique:                  Wellness:
                         Dmytro Marchenko (Ukraine)       Alexander Ronchetti (Switzerland)  Dagmara Dominiczak (Poland)

                          Classic Bodybuilding:            Bikini:                          Women’s Fitness:
                         Erick Sánchez (Guatemala)        Wiktoria Nnaka (Poland)          Nataliia Toropova (Russia)

                          Classic Physique:                Bodyfitness:                     Women’s Physique:
                         Yurii Zimohliad (Ukraine)        Rocío Araujo (Spain)             Nataliia Prokhorova (Ukraine)

                  President Santonja sent a personal congratulation to all of them by letter, in which he conveyed the
               congratulations and admiration for their sporting successes during the 2020 season on behalf of the IFBB. He also
               highlighted the positive influence this achievement must have had on their families and social environment, as well
               as the motivational effect for all Bodybuilding and Fitness fans in their respective countries. In the letter, Dr.
               Santonja announced that they would receive a special distinction from the IFBB through their national federations.


               Dmytro Marchenko defeats Eddy
               N’guema in the final sprint
               The fight for the World Ranking was centred
               on the mimetic struggle between Dmytro
               Marchenko and Eddie N’guema, big stars of
               the European and World Cups, as well as the
               2020 ACE. They tied in the continental cup
               and the Ukrainian won gold in the World Cup,
               while the French only reached bronze. The
               5-point advantage remained for the ACE, where
               both competitors reached gold. With just one
               chance to go, N’guema sought to reach the top
               in Fitness Mania 4, but he was surpassed by his
               fellow countryman Mickael de Sousa (3rd in the
               Ranking), and his silver medal gave him only 4
               points, not enough to reach Marchenko.
                 1  DMYTRO MARCHENKO    Ukraine  30 points
                 2  Eddie N’guema    France  29 points
                 3  Mickael de Sousa   France  23 points
                 4  Dawid Ziola     Poland   21 points
                 5  Tomasz Kornalewski   Poland  21 points
                 6  William Rodríguez   El Salvador  19 points
                 7  Aleksandr Martynkin    Russia  19 points
                 8  Ales Trpisovsky   Czech Rep.  19 points
                 9  Martin Drab     Czech Rep.  19 points
                10  Mariusz Balazinski   Poland  17 points

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