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President Santonja is about to present the IFBB Silver Medal to
                                                                                 one of the most veteran and versatile officials of the Spanish
                                                                                 Federation: Fermín “Mintxo” Lasaosa. International Bodybuilding
                 The IFBB Medical Commission chaired by Dr.                      Champion, Physical Education teacher of several generations
                 Alfonso Morán supervised the safety of the                      of Spaniards and promoter of the new “Fitness Challenge”
                 attendees at all times, with a significant human                discipline, that will debut this year at the IFBB, his life has
                 team. Among them, the health worker Gabriel                     always been linked to the sport of irons. They have shared a
                 Costel received the IFBB Silver Medal from                      great personal friendship for decades.
                 President Santonja.
                                                  EUROPE has slowly been
                                                  returning to pre-Covid normality,
                                                  and the EBFF 2021 European
                                                  Championship were the best
                                                  possible proof of this. After the
                                                  difficult situation of 2020, when
                                                  many sports federations suspended
                                                  their competitions, the IFBB and
                                                  Santa Susanna remained faithful to
                                                  their commitment. Now, the 2021
                                                  edition recovers its usual dates
                                                  during the European spring, and
                                                  reaches participation figures in
                                                  line with those registered in 2019.   One of the most active and coordinated European federations
                                                                                 with EBFF / IFBB is that of the Czech Republic. Its president,
                                                  Europe seems to definitely say   Mrs. Ludmila Cizová, was awarded the Spirit of IFBB award.
                                                  “goodbye” to the pandemic!     Under her leadership, the country has ranked among the most
                                                    Rigorous security measures that   successful at a sporting and organizational level, hosting
                                                                                 several international competitions each season.
                                                  included a 40m  stage where the
                                                  safety distance could be maintained
                                                  were still in place. Otherwise,
                                                  health was not an issue, thanks to
                                                  the efficiency of the IFBB Medical
                                                  Commission and the measures
                                                  adopted by the “Fitness Capital of the
                                                  World”. Santa Susanna added a new
                                                  IFBB international championship to
                                                  its trajectory that began in 2013.
                                                    In short, another complete
                                                  success that leaves the doors open
                                                  for the celebration of the I Fitness
                                                  Sport Games in history from July
                                                  1 to 4, also to be held in one of the   Malta will be hosting the Mediterranean Sea Championship
                                                  best tourist destinations in Spain   this year. This is sure to be a success, given the proven
                                                                                 organizational capacity of their national federation, chaired
                                                  and Europe.                    by Mr. Ralph DeCelis. Still active as a professional athlete,
                                                                                 Mr. DeCelis has made Malta internationally recognized as a
                                                                                 sports venue for Bodybuilding, in perfect coordination with
                 Bodybuilding and Fitness have experienced a growth              the country’s Olympic Committee. His exemplary work was
                 in the participation of women, both at the sporting and   The President of the   recognized with the IFBB President’s Gold Medal.
                 the executive level. An example is the Federation of   Luxembourg Federation,
                 Switzerland, where its president, Mrs. Nadia Lechaire,   Mr. Guy Kridel, was
                 has promoted the participation of her athletes in   also awarded the
                 national and international events. For this, she was   IFBB President’s Gold
                 awarded the IFBB President’s Gold Medal.   Medal during the EBFF
                                                     Congress. Together                                The oldest
                                                                                                       active judge of
                                                     with his vice president,                          the EBFF, the
                                                     Patrizio Vitali, they have                        Austrian Mario
                                                     placed Luxembourg as a                            Volpe, received
                                                     very active country and                           the IFBB Lifetime
                                                     always present on the                             Achievement
                                                     international calendar.                           Award, in
                                                     Once his days as a                                recognition of his
                                                     competing athlete are                             long career as
                                                     over, Mr. Kridel currently                        a Bodybuilding
                                                     dedicates his time to                             judge.
                                                     Bodybuilding as an
                                                     official and a promoter,
                                                     but still visits the gym
                                                     every day.

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