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Medal table Tall
                                                             class (-180 cm):
                                                              Sergei Gorenkov
                                    TALL CLASS                  (Russia)
                                     (-180 CM):                  Silver:
                                    Champion:                  Marius Sileika
                                      Sergei                    (Lithuania)
                                     Gorenkov                Dmytro Simak (Ukraine)

                                                                     SUPER TALL CLASS
                                                                        (+180 CM):
                                                                      Champion: Kamil

                                              Medal table Super
                                                 tall class
                                                (+180 cm):               OVERALL CLASSIC
                                                  Gold:                    BODYBUILDING:
                                              Kamil Moszczynski             POLAND; Kamil
                                                  Silver:                    Moszczynski
                                               Dmitrii Nikiforov         In a battle until the last moment,
                                                 Bronze:                 Kamil Moszczynski (Poland)
                                                Julius Povilaitis        achieved the overall title by
                                                 (Lithuania)             statistical criteria, tied on points
                                                                         with Sergei Gorenkov (Russia),
                                                                         demonstrating the level of
                                                                         equality in this discipline.

                                                              MEN’S PHYSIQUE

                                       The surprise awaited in the Muscular class, where the Azerbaijani Rasim Hasanov took the title over the
                                       Ukrainian favourites, thus demonstrating the high level of Azerbaijan in this discipline. In the rest of the
                                       classes, Ukraine took its revenge achieving 4 gold medals and the overall title for Oleksandr Muntian.

                                     Medal table
                                    Men´s Physique:
                                     Rasim Hasanov
                 MUSCULAR MEN’S        Silver:
                    PHYSIQUE:       Maksym Shevelin
                 Champion: Rasim       (Ukraine)
                    Hasanov            Bronze:
                   (Azerbaijan)      Valeri Tsitsar

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