Page 24 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 24

              (+182 cm)
                                                In a 2021 rematch, Hamood al mawali (oman; 28
        Gold:  Hamood Al Mawali (Oman)         years old), was proclaimed men’s physique World
       Silver:  Oleksandr Muntian (v)            champion in the super tall class, relegating the
       Bronze:  Serghei Semeniuk (Ukraine)   previous champion, oleksandr muntian from Ukraine,
         4 :  Alexandre Ferreira (Portugal)      to the silver medal by 2 points of difference.u
         5 :  Fovgi Afandiyev (Azerbaijan)
         6 :  Danylo Tsypko (Ukraine)

                                                                               al luwaihi
                                                                               28), World
                                                                              in muscular

                                                                                  MUSCULAR MEN’S

                  OVERALL CHAMPION:                                               PHYSIQUE (Open)
                 Khalid Mohamed Obaid (UAE)                                     Gold:  Muneer Al Luwaihi (Oman)
                                                                               Silver:  Fabiano Baptista (Brazil)
                                                                               Bronze:  Maziar Kiani (Iran)
                                                                                 4 :  Fahri Gyunesh (Turkey)
        Overall (Top 3):                                                         5 :  Yevhen Kolesniuk (Ukraine)
                                                                                 6 :  Dmitro Kliuchnyk (Ukraine)
    1  Khalid Mohamed Obaid (11 points)
    2  Farid Alimardany (11 points)
    3  Hamood Al Mawali (16 points)
                                                                  BEST TEAM AWARD: IRAN
                                                               A total of 45 countries
                                                               managed to put athletes   Results (top 10)
                                                               in the finals and score in
                                                               the team competition. Iran   1º Iran (252 points)
                                                               showed its enormous   2º South Korea (129 points)
                                                               superiority in the men’s   3º Ukraine (136 points)
                                                               classes yet another year.
                                                               The national team    4º UAE (134 points)
                                                               revalidated its 2021 title   5º Turkey (84 points)
                                                               and continues at the top   6º Japan (64 points)
                                                               of the medal table, where
                                                               they’ve been since   7º Oman (52 points)
                                                               Marrakech 2013, with the   8º Spain (49 points)
                                                               sole exception of 2020, in
                                                               the midst of the     9º Slovakia (47 points)
                                                               pandemic. Ukraine,   10º Lithuania (45 points)
                                                               despite the country’s
                                                               difficulties, once again   pSpain, 7  place in 2021,
                                                               became the best    dropped one place, surpassed
         pAn impressive duel between two-time Iranian champion Farid Alimardany   European team with a   by Oman, but still ahead of
         (175 cm) and the athlete from the Emirates Khalid Mohamed Obaid (182 cm),   third place behind South   Slovakia.
         that was resolved by the minimum, since both tied on points. Only the number   Korea, only by 4 points.
         of judges who preferred Khalid over Farid determined the 2022 crown.

             22   2022/2023  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29