Page 9 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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                                               Fitness Challenge
                                               Fitness Challenge, the new IFBB category.
                                                 This new category includes different physical exercises to display the athletic ability of athletes,
                                               and it’s destined to have great success in gym competitions, and in major international events.
                                                 The event consists in a circuit of six stations (exercises), in which the competitors perform as
                                               much repetitions as they can in a 2 minutes session, of each exercise, making a competition of
                                               excellent visual impact, full of emotions, and great dynamism, in which athletes may compete
                                               individually, by couples, or by teams (6 persons per team).
                                                 A new initiative of the International Federation, with an already excellent implementation and
                                               popularity in all over the world.

                                                                   Women’s Wellness Fitness

                                                                   The Wellness Fitness division is intended for women who prefer a muscular
                                                                   physique without muscle separation, athletic and aesthetically pleasing,
                                                                   with a bigger body mass than in Bikini Fitness. From this point of view,
                                                                   Wellness Fitness is placed somewhere between Bikini Fitness and Women’s
                                                                     Assessing of the physique, judging criteria and rounds are the same like
                                                                   Women’s Bikini Fitness. Competitors performs quarter turns in all rounds
                                                                   plus individual “I-walking” presentation in the finals. Vertical proportions
                                                                   (legs to upper body length) are ones of the key factors. Horizontal
                                                                   proportions (hips and waist to shoulder width) may favour women with a
                                                                   bit bigger hips, thighs and buttocks. There are four Wellness Fitness
                                                                   categories: up to 158 cm, up to 163 cm; up to 168 cm and over 168 cm.

                                                                   Fit-Pairs is the latest IFBB sport division, introduced in 2020 and approved
               Men Fitness                                         by the IFBB International Congress. It is devoted for Women’s Bikini athletes
               This sport discipline is similar in                 and Men’s Physique competitors to create for them the possibility to perform
               structure to Women Fitness; however the             as a couple. Fit-Pairs athletes don’t perform poses like in Mixed-Pairs division
               body mass is limited according to the               and there is no posing routines. They display their physiques, body lines and
               formulas established for all four body              body quality by performing four quarter turns. Men from the Fit-Pairs
               height ranges: 170 cm, 175 cm, 180 cm               perform the Quarter Turns in the same manner like in Men’s Physique, while
               and over 180 cm. Currently, there is one            women perform these turns in the same style like in Women’s Bikini. Men
               open Men’s Fitness category.                        competitors will wear the same attire like in Men’s Physique, Women
                 The contest also includes four                    competitors will wear the same attire like in Women’s Bikini. The judge will
               rounds, with the artistic fitness routine in        assess each Fit-Pair as an entity. Those whose physiques match, harmonize,
               Round 1 and Round 3 plus quarter turns              and complement each other will receive higher places than Fit-Pairs whose
               in Round 2 and Round 4. During the                  physiques are markedly dissimilar and unbalanced, as would be the case of a
               quarter turns competitors wear the swim
               trunks only and the judges assess the               tall ectomorphic man and a short mesomorphic woman, or vice versa. In the
               overall male athletic physiques. Posing             Finals, Fit-Pairs perform also I-walking presentation, lasting no longer than 20
               routines should include strength and                seconds, and then four Quarter Turns.
               flexibility moves, gymnastic moves or
               other ways of displaying of their athletic                 Athletic Fitness
               talent and capacity.
                 At the end, the subscores from two                       The lineup is composed by 15 athletes, in a sports discipline that
               final rounds (Round 3 and Round 4) are                     combines various elements of strength, endurance as well as
               added to produce the final scores and to                   balanced physique. The event is composed by Rounds:
               reach the final places of the top 6                          • Round 1 (Physique Round; Quarter Turns).
               competitors. Competitors in places from                      • Round 2 (Strength Round; Pullups and Dips).
               7th to 15th remain with their scores from
               the Prejudging (Round 1 and Round 2).                        • Round 3 (Endurance Round; Ergometer rowing).
                                                                            • Finals Round 4 (Physique Round; Quarter Turns).
                                                                            • Finals Round 5 (Strength Round).
                                                                            • Finals Round 6 (Endurance Round).

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