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             IFBB WORLD FITNESS               2024, establishing Iran as the venue for   Campolier, Major of Santa Susana and
             AND BODYBUILDING                 the IFBB World Congress and the IFBB   IFBB Patron who opened the
                                                                                ceremony, Mr. Mohammed O. Bin
                                              Men’s World Championships and
             CHAMPIONSHIPS AND                Tokyo for the IFBB Women’s World   Majed Al Aleeli, Director of the
             IFBB WORLD                       Championships.                    Department of Industry and Economy
                                                                                of Fujairah, Mr. Mircea Abrudean,
                                                 The IFBB Annual Congress took
             CONGRESS                         place together with the IFBB World   Secretary General for the Romanian
                                              Fitness & Bodybuilding            Government, Mr. Reza Zabib,
             l The 2023 IFBB Annual Congress,   Championships that this year has   Ambassador of Iran in Spain, Mr.
             took place in Santa Susanna, Spain   counted with the participation of   Mohamad Oueidat, Head of the Sports
             bringing together representatives   more than 1700 athletes!       Department in the Ministry of Youth &
             from over 100 national affiliated   Apart from the success of the   Sport in Lebanon and Mr. Kamkal
             federations from around the world.   participation, this year’s World   Springer, Manager of Sports at
               The Congress served to view    Championships saw the distinguished   Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc
             reports, reports of the year, review   presence of authorities from various   among others.
             rules and draw up the calendar for   corners of the globe; Mr. Joan

             IFBB World Congress 2023.

            IFBB President Rafael Santonja with Mr. Mohammed O. Bin   IFBB President Rafael Santonja with Mr. Mohamad Oueidat, Head
            Majed Al Aleeli, Director of the Department of Industry and   of the Sports Department in the Ministry of Youth & Sport in
            Economy of Fujairah, and  Mr. Joan Campolier, Major of Santa   Lebanon.
            Susana and IFBB Patron.

            94   FITNESS STYLE
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