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THE NEXT DIAMOND CUP             A big indoor stadium “Ostravar Arena”   The contest in Ostrava opened the
                 from the IFBB series was held in   was the venue, which also hosted the   “three-weekend” series of big IFBB
                 Ostrava, Czechia, on May   26  to 28 ,   1992 European Championships and   international competitions, which will
                 promoted by the former Czech     2006 World Championships.        also included Diamond Cup Portugal in
                 Federation President Stanislav Pesat,   The first edition of the IFBB Diamond   Espinho (June 02-04) and Olympia
                 well-known from hosting the annual   Cup in Czechia attracted 242   Amateur Spain in Marbella (June
                 PEPA Grand Prix in Opava, and his   competitors representing 20 countries,   09-10). The biggest star born at this
                 co-partner, former European      who  were fighting for trophies in 31   show was Irish Bodybuilder Blessing
                 Bodybuilding champion (2005) Jan Kubik.   categories.             Awodibu.

                                          BODYBUILDING: Blessing Awodibu (Ireland)

                                          Very exciting battle for the overall title between the +100 kg category winner Blessing Awodibu
                                          (Ireland) and 100 kg class winner Roman Vavrecan (Slovakia), which gave Awodibu the final
                                          victory with a minimum possible gap of 1 point! Awodibu’s first international victory was at the
                                          2014 Arnold Classic Europe, where he won the juniors open class over Piotr Borecki (Poland).
                                          And Borecki also came to Ostrava and won the 90 kg category.

                                             JUNIORS (-18 YEARS)     JUNIORS (-23 YEARS)        MASTER (OPEN)
                                               Patrik Dzurilla         Vladimir Castka          Rafal Tasiemski
                  Famous Sergio Oliva’s “victory
                  pose” performed by his young      Gold:   Patrik Dzurilla (Slovakia)      Gold:   Vladimir Castka (Czechia)     Gold:   Rafal Tasiemski (Poland)
                  successor Blessing Awodibu.    Silver:   Ondrej Sestak (Czechia)     Silver:   Lukas Rejholec (Czechia)    Silver:   Mariusz Balazinski (Poland)
                                             Bronze:  Filip Jakub (Czechia)    Bronze:  Marek Janidzar (Slovakia)    Bronze:  Adrian Krawczyk (Poland)

                       UP TO 80 KG              UP TO 90 KG             UP TO 100 KG              OVER 100 KG
                    Artur Szudrowczicz          Piotr Borecki          Roman Vavrecan           Blessing Awodibu
                     Gold:   Artur Szudrowicz (Poland)     Gold:   Piotr Borecki (Poland)     Gold:   Roman Vavrecan (Slovakia)     Gold:   Blessing Awodibu (Ireland)
                    Silver:   Marek Leder (Slovakia)     Silver:   Abel Martín (Spain)    Silver:   Rafal Tasiemski (Poland)    Silver:   Michal Krizanek (Slovakia)
                    Bronze:  Lukasz Szoltysek (Poland)    Bronze:  Mariusz Balazinski (Poland)    Bronze:  Milan Oboril (Czechia)    Bronze:  Petr Brezna (Czechia)

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