Page 132 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 132

                                                                          Blessing Awodibu (Ireland)

                                                                          Reconfirming his Bodybuilding overall title won a
                                                                          week earlier in Ostrava, Blessing Avodibu entered
                                                                          the IFBB sport elite, becoming one of the top
                                                                          world stars. In Ostrava he won by 1 point over
                                                                          muscular Roman Vavrecan, here his main
                                                                          challenger was much lighter 80 kg class champion
                                                                          Mika Sihvonen, who showed top quality muscles
                                                                          and definition. This time Avodiby won by 2 points
                                                                          (4:6). He decided not to turn Pro but rather
                                                                          perform at the 2017 Arnold Classic Europe.
                                                                          Bodybuilding overall champion Blessing Avodibu congratulated by
                                                                          President Santonja and PFBB President , Mr. Vítor Reis.

                                MASTERS OPEN                         UP TO 75 KG                UP TO 80 KG
                                Marcos Herrera                      Marcos Herrera              Mika Sihvonen
                             Gold:   Marcos Herrera (Spain)      Gold:   Marcos Herrera (Spain)    Gold:   Mika Sihvonen (Finland)
                             Silver:   Mintxo Lasaosa (Spain)    Silver:   Marcos Pereira  (Portugal)    Silver:   Pedro Esteves (Portugal)
                             Bronze:  Rui A. De Moura (Portugal)   Bronze:  Jose Matos (Portugal)   Bronze:  Miguel Francisco (Portugal)

                         UP TO 90 KG               UP TO 100 KG                         OVER 100 KG
                        Piotr Borecki               Kille Kujala                      Blessing Awodibu
                    Gold:   Piotr Borecki (Poland)    Gold:   Kille Kujala (Finland)    Gold:   Blessing Awodibu (Ireland)
                    Silver:   Peter Lagermand (Denmark)    Silver:   Ludovic Bogaert (France)    Silver:   Ole Vaaga (Norway)
                   Bronze:  Abel Martín (Spain)   Bronze:  Roberto Renacho (Spain)   Bronze:  Deividas Dubinas (Lithuania)

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  131
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