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P. 174

More than 1000 athletes from 5
                                    continents traveled to Barcelona               CREATED, developed and
                                      to take part in the 2016 ACE
                                    Amateur. President Santonja and                expanded by indefatigable
                                    Governor Schwarzenegger shared                 determination and invention of
                                    some unforgettable moments with                President Santonja and Gov.
                                    athletes in the largest multi-sport
                                        festival in Europe. q                      Schwarzenegger, supported by
                                                                                   hard, everyday work of General
                                                                                   Director Mrs. Nieves Santonja, the
                                                                                   event exploded with new record of
                                                                                   participants, bigger exhibition area,
                                                                                   bigger number of visitors, more
                                                                                   sports. This growth was possible
                                                                                   due to the excellent venue: the Fira
                                                                                   Gran Via Barcelona, with almost
                                                                                   unlimited possibilities.
                                                                                     Our physique sports, with 1063
                                                                                   athletes performing in 51
                                                                                   categories, were run on two stages
                                                                                   and scored by over 50 judges, took 3
                                                                                   days (nearly 30 hours of stage
                                                                                   battle). Spain appeared to be the
                                                                                   best in this battle, winning 7 gold
                                                                                   medals, only one more than
                                                                                   surprisingly good Hungary,
                                                                                   followed by Russia (5 titles),
                                                                                   Switzerland and Portugal (4 titles
                                                                                   each). Altogether, gold medals went
                                                                                   to as many as 22 countries and 19
                                                                                   more countries had their
                                                                                   competitors on the podium.
                                                                                     Most surprising results? Two
                                                                                   juniors won also open categories:
                                                                                   Tea Save of Switzerland dominated
                                                                                   Junior Bodyfitness open class as well
                                                                                   as Women’s Bodyfitness over 168 cm
                                                                                   category. New Ukrainian Men’s
                                                                                   Physique star Dmytro Voievodchuk
                                                                                   was even more successful: he won
                                                                                   junior overall and Men’s overall
                                                                                   titles! Different situation in Men’s
                                                                                   Bodybuilding: Maltese Luke Debono
                                                                                   wan the super-heavyweight category
                                                                                   and then the overall title
                                                                                   (unanimously!) but… definitely lost
                                                                                   the Junior Bodybuilding title to new
                                                                                   Czech star Pavel Beran. What would
                                                                                   happen if Beran competed in the
                                                                                   men’s categories also? Men’s Classic
                                                                                   Bodybuilding overall title went to
                                                                                   Jordi Romero of Spain. His team
                                                                                   mate, Manuel Canadillas, won the
                                                                                   Master Bodybuilding overall and
                                                                                   Men’s Bodybuilding 95 kg category.
                                                                                   Women’s Bodyfitness overall went to
                                                                                   Szandra Hidasi of Hungary and
                                                                                   Bikini overall to Olivia Pohankova
             pThe Maltese young giant, 2015 European Junior champion Luke Debono, has become a senior’s   (Slovakia). Brazilian duo: Priscila
             star, winning the Men’s Bodybuilding super-heavyweight class and the overall title at the 2016 ACE,
             on September 25th. No one could expect it 24 hours earlier, when he finished 2nd in the Juniors   Cavilha and Evelaine Rocha was a
             open category, being defeated by Czech bodybuilder and powerlifter (840 kg) Pavel Beran (a week   the top in Master Women’s Physique
             later Beran won the overall title at the EVLS Prague and got the Pro Card). But Debono (108 kg)   and Women’s Physique up to 163 cm
             managed to improve his muscle definition within those 24 hours and appeared to be unbeatable
             among seniors, taking the overall unanimously (5 points) ahead of the Hungarian star Bela   category but the overall title went to
             Kokeny. The overall trophy was presented to him by President Santonja, General Secretary of the   Valentina Mishina of Russia. Excited
             Belarusian Olympic Committee Mr. Georgi Katulin (far left) and Belarusian Bodybuilding Federation   battles on both stages!
             President Mr. Vladimir Alexandrovich (second from left).

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