Page 178 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 178

                                                           UP TO 169 CM
                                                         Gold:  Priscilla Leimbacher
                                                        Silver:  Valentina Zorina
                                                        Bronze:  Matilde Biagini

                 After a series
                 of 2nd places
                 in the recent
                 years, Olivia
                 finally had her
                 happy day
                 the Russian
                 megastar                                                                      BIKINI FITNESS
                 Natalia                                                                            UP TO 172 CM
                 Lugovskikh in
                 the final round                                                                 Gold:  Catharina Wahl
                 (by 3 points),                                                                       (Norway)
                 what enabled                                                                    Silver:  Alla Meyer
                 her to fight for                                                                     (United Kingdom)
                 the overall title                                                               Bronze:  Emma Howie
                 where she won                                                                        (United Kingdom)
                 over the next
                 megastar, Virag
                 Kiss (Hungary)
                 and 4 other
                 A couple of                         BIKINI FITNESS
                 weeks later                              OVER 172 CM
                 she went to
                 Bialystok to                          Gold:  Olivia Pohankova
                 win… her 3rd     BIKINI                    (Slovakia)
                 in a row World                       Silver:  Natalia Lugovskikh
                 Championships   FITNESS                    (Russia)
                 silver medal.  u  OVERALL:            Bronze:  Ioana Estrelita Sulea

                              Olivia Pohankova

                                                                                               BIKINI FITNESS
                                                                                                    Master (Open)
                                                                                                 Gold:  Elsa Pena
                                                                                                 Silver:  Judit Béres
                                                                                                 Bronze:  Irina Ivanova

                                                                                  2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  177
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