Page 205 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 205

t New
                                                                                                       top international
                                                                                                           star from
                                                                                                         Brazil: super-
                                                                                                       Jefferson Santos
                                                                                                          de Oliveira,
                                                                                                          his triumph
                                                                                                        with Governor
                                                                                                         and President

                                            SAO PAULO &


                     TWO MEETING POINTS FROM THE 2017

                           ARNOLD CLASSIC SPRING SERIES

                   “New amazing stars in Fitness and Bodybuilding were born in the 5  edition of Arnold
                               Classic South America and 2  edition of Arnold Classic Africa.”
                        “IFBB sport events have been the driving force at the multisport festivals.”

                    COLUMBUS (OHIO, USA) has always started the    judges and technical guidance. The 5  edition of the
                    annual Arnold Classic series. In 2017 it was followed by   Arnold Classic South America (April 21  -23 ) changed
                    Arnold Classic Australia and later on by Arnold Classic   the location to Sao Paulo and it brought a new record of
                    South America and Africa, being a multi-sport festivals   participation. Two weeks later, IFBB athletes and
                    with Bodybuilding and Fitness playing a leading role. As   officials met on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, but
                    usual, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger attended these   still on the Southern Hemisphere, in Johannesburg, to
                    events, making them top attractive and popular. On the   take part in the 2 , very successful, edition of Arnold
                    other hand, IFBB demonstrated its sport power and   Classic Africa, which attracted nearly 600 competitors
                    perfect structure, providing top world stars, qualified   from 22 countries.
                 Spectacular bodybuilding overall category with 7 champions (from L): Jean Machado (Brazil; 70 kg), Diego Spadoni (Uruguay; 75 kg), César Alves
                 de Oliveira (Brazil,  80 kg), Claudio Do Monte (Brazil; 85 kg), Mauro Pulido (Venezuela; 90 kg), Oscar Saracho (Paraguay; 100 kg) and Jefferson
                 Santos de Oliveira (Brazil; +100 kg). q

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