Page 210 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 210

Bikini Fitness overall with 4 champions (from  L): Shelby Neves (South Africa;
                                                            166 cm), Micaela Markides (South Africa, 163 cm), Chanel Erwee (South Africa;
                                                                    +169 cm), Jenna De Leon (Trinidad & Tobago; 169 cm).
                        BODYBUILDING OVERALL:
                      Fahad Hazzazi (Saudí Arabia)
                        Ahmad Almadans (UAE)
                     CLASSIC BODYBUILDING OVERALL:  Very impressive
                         Milad Borojeni (Iran)     Fahad Hazzazi (Saudi
                                                    Arabia) was one of
                       MEN'S PHYSIQUE OVERALL:     the biggest stars of
                         Khodadad Paur (Iran)       the event, winning
                                                     the up to  90 kg
                        BIKINI FITNESS OVERALL:     category and the
                    Jenna De Leon (Trinidad & Tobago)  Bodybuilding overall
                        BODYFITNESS OVERALL:
                     Marcelle Collison (South Africa)
                                                                                 Una año más, el Arnold Classic Suramérica
                                                                                 sirvió para reunir a todo el Bodybuiding y
                                                                                 Fitness de América Latina.q

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  209
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