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                                                                            DR. JULIO CESAR MAGLIONE
                                                                            VISITED MADRID

                                                                            Dr. Julio C. Maglione, President of the FINA (International
                                                                            Swimming Federation) and IOC Member; visited Madrid,
                                                                            meeting in this occasion with Dr. Rafael Santonja and
                                                                            Spanish Olympic Committee president, Mr. Alejandro Blanco,
                                                                            having the opportunity to review recent happenings and
                                                                            next coming projects to happen, in the sport environment.
                                                                              During President Maglione´s mandate, in Pan-American
                                                                            Sport Organization (PASO); Bodybuilding achieved the full
                                                                            recognition of the organization. Dr. Maglione left, recently,
                                                                            his presidency of PASO at the General Assembly, held in
                                                                            Punta del Este (Uruguay); passing the baton on to another
                                                                            outstanding Latin-American leader: Ing. Neven Ilic Alvarez,
                                                                            president as well of the Chile Olympic Committee.
                                                                            IOC Member, Dr. Julio Maglione, with Dr. Rafael Santonja.

                 BATTULGA, ELECTED NEW
                 MONGOLIA’S REPUBLIC

                 The IFBB is proud to announce that H. E. Khaltmaa
                 Battulga -president of the Mongolian United Federation
                 of Bodybuilding and Fitness (MUFBF)-, has been elected
                 new President of the Republic of Mongolia, after the
                 presidential elections.
                   Mr. Battulga, a former sport star in Martial Arts, is
                 a dedicated politician with great experience and
                 charisma and we want to wish him the best success in
                 such high mission; in the security that, under his wise
                 leadership, the respected country of Mongolia will
                 follow the best roads for progress and prosperity.
                   IFBB is proud to have the MUFBF as one of key
                 affiliated members, in Asia. Recently, its capital city,
                 Ulaanbaatar; hosted the 51st. Asian Bodybuilding and
                 Fitness Championships, excellently coordinated by Mr.
                 Ochir Ganbaatar, MUFBF General Secretary and, as   President Battulga (center),  attending the recent 51st. Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships, in
                 well, AFBF Vice-president.        Ulaanbaatar, where was awarded by IFBB. joined by MUFBF Vice-president (right).

                                                                          PRESIDENT SANTONJA, AWARDED BY
                                                                          NICARAGUAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE

                                                                          Nicaraguan Olympic Committee (CON) awarded President Santonja,
                                                                          during its Olympic Gala organized in Managua, for the great
                                                                          support he has given to Bodybuilding and Fitness, in Nicaragua.
                                                                            The CON President, Mag. Emmett Lang, delivered to
                                                                          President Santonja a plaque of recognition for his leadership in
                                                                          this sport, avoiding cultural or social barriers, and reaching the
                                                                          highest development for IFBB. Joined by sport Executives as
                                                                          General Juan Santiago Estrada (CON Gral. Secretary and IFBB
                                                                          Advisor) and Mr. Eduardo Abdallah (IFBB Vice-president for
                                                                          Central America and CON Member); Mr. Lang awarded, in the
                                                                          same ceremony, the president of the Olympic Committee of Peru,
                                                                          Mr. José Quiñones González.
                                                                          CON President, Mag. Emmet Lang (right); awarding IFBB President,
                                                                          Dr. Santonja and Peruvian Olympic Committee president, Mr. José
                                                                          Quiñones; joined by sport executives, General Juan Santiago Estrada
                                                                          and Eduardo Abdallah.

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