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t 2016 World                    The Championships               3 more gold medals in Classic
                 Classic Bodybuilding                                            Bodybuilding, earning
                 Championships                   started on Saturday,
                 overall title went to       November 5th, 2016, with two        together 69 points and
                 Ukrainian new star                                              regaining the best team of the
                 Andrii Buzovetskyi.         new IFBB categories: Games
                 Here, congratulated by      Classic Bodybuilding, where         world title won in 2014 but
                 President Santonja and                                          lost in 2015 to South Korea.
                 IFBB Vice-President         the weigh/height limit is
                 Albert Busek (left).        smaller than in Classic             Korea clearly placed 2nd, with
                                             Bodybuilding. Benidorm              39 points, ahead of four
                 Iranian bodybuilder
                 Seyedroohollah              Palace was full of viewers,         European powers, tightly
                 Mirnoorollahi became the    curious to watch this               packed in the range of 6
                 first IFBB world champion
                 in a new division: Games    historical, inaugural               points: Spain (26 points),
                 Classic Bodybuilding.       spectacle. Nearly 30                Ukraine (25 points), Poland
                 Hear, accompanied
                 by Iranian Federation       bodybuilders attempted to           (23 points) and Italy (21
                 President Naser             discover their chances in this      points), pushing Azerbaijan
                 Pouralifard (left) and
                 President Santonja. q       new class. Later on, Iran won       and China out of the top 6.

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  21
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