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Two tireless IFBB officials: the President and                                t Two people had a dominant
                   the Chairman of the Judges Committee cover                                     influence on the organizational
                    hundreds of thousands of miles each year to                                   success of the Worlds in
                    promote Fitness and Bodybuilding in every                                     Bialystok: Polish Federation
                  corner of the globe. The 2016 Worlds in Bialystok                               Vice-President Arkadiusz
                    was a very special event for both: Dr. Rafael                                 Leszczynski and former fitness
                   Santonja celebrated his birthday on the Polish                                 champion Dr. Joanna Zapolska.
                  land and Mr. Pawel Filleborn served as a host. He                               For their excellent work, both
                   honored President Santonja with this beautiful                                 were awarded with the IFBB
                            commemorative award.u                                                 Gold Medals.

                                     2016 IFBB WORLD


                 >  Bialystok (Poland) organized, second time within 5 years, a fabulous event.

                 >  Russia vs. Ukraine: exciting battle for the best team title and trophy.

                 >  Five overall titles went to 5 countries: China, Estonia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.

                                         Once again, Bialystok attracted over   Ph.D., was held in the most modern Opera
                                         400 world best fitness athletes    house, erected 4 years ago. Fifty countries
                                     fighting for medals in 7 official IFBB fitness   of 6 continents entered their teams and 39
                                     divisions: Women and Men Fitness and   of them earned points in the best teams
                                     Physique, Women Bikini-Fitness and     ranking, won by Russia second time in a
                                     Bodyfitness as well as Mixed Pairs. The   row, ahead of Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland
                                     event, hosted by the Polish Bodybuilding,   and Spain. Two great champions regained
                                     Fitness & Powerlifting Federation,     titles won in 2015 in Budapest: Oleg
                                     personally organized by its Vice-President   Anissimov (Estonia) in Men’s Fitness and
                                     Arkadiusz Leszczynski and former world   Shao Zhong Zheng (China) in Men’s
                                     top fitness star Mrs. Joanna Zapolska,   Physique.

                                                                          Six continents were represented at these World Championships, which
                                                                          traditionally have been held in Europe, but not only. President Santonja
                                                                     welcomed delegates from 50 countries, announcing the further expansion of our
                                                                      sports, with 193 National Federations affiliated with the IFBB and the Olympic
                                                                                     recognition in Asia, both Americas and Oceania.q

                  26  2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
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