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                                                                   DOHA 2016.
                                                          Celebrating the full recognition
                                                            of Bodybuilding in the Pan
                                                          American Olympic Family, with
                                                          ODEPA/PASO president, Dr. Julio
                                                          C. Maglione; Peruvian Olympic
                                                           Committee president, Mr. José
                                                            Quiñones and General Juan
                                                             Santiago Estrada (right).
                                                                                                    Meeting in Lausanne
                                                                                                    with PASO President
                                                                                                    Dr. Julio Maglione,
                                                                                                    the Chairman of the
                   TORONTO 2015.                                                                    Organizing Committee
                   With Dr. Julio Maglione                                                          of the 2019
                   - President of PASO                                                              Panamerican Games
                   (Panamerican Sport                                                               - Mr. José Quiñones,
                   Organization) at the last                                                        the President of the
                   Panamerican Games in                                                             Association of Pan
                   Toronto.                                                                         American Sports
                                                                                                    (ACODEPA) - Mr. Ivar
                                                                                                    Sisniega and PASO
                                                                                                    Exco Member Mr.
                                                                                                    Michael Fennel.

                                                                                                 WASHINGTON 2015.With
                                                                                                  H.R.H. Sheikh Ahmad al
                                                                                                Fahad al Sabah - President
                                                                                                  of the Olympic Council
                                                                                                 of Asia (OCA), as well as
                                                                                               President of the Association
                                                                                                   of National Olympic
                 With Mag Emmett Lang, President of the Central American Olympic                Committees (ANOC), at the
                 Committees (ORDECA), in which Games the IFBB has been medalist               2015 ANOC General Assembly
                 sport since 1991, and as well President of the Nicaraguan Olympic                    in Washington.
                   Letter from President Santonja addressed to
                         all IFBB national executives in America

                 Dear Friends,                                     Yassin (Guyana), Hans Larsen (Haití), Salvador Jiménez Cáceres
                   The long-awaited IFBB recognition by ODEPA (Pan-American   (Honduras), Donald Mclean (Islas Caimán), Ángel L. Morales
                 Sports Organization) is a historic landmark and a great step   (Islas Vírgenes), Carlos Padilla (México), Mag. Emmett Lang
                 forward for our sport within the Olympic family.   (Nicaragua), Camilo Amado (Panamá), Camilo Pérez López
                   The sequence of events that led to this result was generated in   (Paraguay), José Quiñones González (Perú), Sara Rosario (Puerto
                 different locations.                              Rico), Luis Mejía Oviedo (República Dominicana), Fortuna
                                                                   Belrose (Santa Lucia), Guno Van Der Jagt (Surinam) y Eduardo
                                                                   Álvarez (Venezuela).
                 TORONTO (AUGUST 2015)
                 Our request for recognition was formally presented to the Pan   WASHINGTON D.C. (NOVEMBER 2015)
                 American Sports Organization during their 2015 Pan American   During the annual meeting of the World Association of National
                 Games in Toronto.                               Olympic Committees (ANOC), held in conjunction with the PASO
                   This request had the direct support – for which we are very   executive council meeting, PASO Exco Members approved the
                 thankful – from presidents of the National Olympic Committees   IFBB recognition; submitting it to the General Assembly for a final
                 listed below (in alphabetical order):           decision.
                   Edwin Roos (Aruba), Wellington Miller (Bahamas), Hilly
                   Martínez (Belice), Neven Ivan Ilic Álvarez (Chile), Henry Núñez   LAUSANNE (APRIL 2016)
                   (Costa Rica), Augusto Moran Nuques (Ecuador), Eduardo Palomo   Following the recognition, our inclusion in the Games was
                   Pacas (El Salvador), Gerardo Aguirre (Guatemala), Yuman   evaluated at a meeting in Lausanne, held by President Santonja

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