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                                       25 YEARS OF HISTORY

                  in 1991, with Dr. Julio Maglione, Mr. Mario Vázquez Raña, President of ANOC   With IFBB founder Ben Weider C.M. in a visit to Puerto Rico in 1989, to
                  between 1979 and 2012; D. Pere Miró, director of Olympic Solidarity and D.   establish the first contacts with PASO, in a meeting with Dr. Julio Maglione,
                  Feliciano Mayoral, at that moment, General Secretary of ANOC, with the occasion   already President of the Olympic Committee of Uruguay, position that he
                  of a Olympic meeting in Canada.                occupies since 1987.
                   The establishment and implementation of a strict Anti-Doping   and proudly promote this great heritage that constitutes Olympic
                 Program at the national level, in accordance with IFBB Anti-  recognition for all of us in America.
                 Doping Regulations and the WADA Code, is now an indispensable
                 requirement for all IFBB national affiliated federations.  The story continues /Barranquilla, Colombia
                   This continental recognition by the Olympic family reinforces   (February 2017)
                 the relationship between already recognized National Federations   It is very gratifying to confirm that, at the CACSO meeting
                 and their Olympic Committees. It also opens the way to those   (Central American and Caribbean Sports Organization), our
                 National Federations that are not yet recognized; in which case, they   incorporation into the Central American and Caribbean Games in
                 must initiate procedures to obtain recognition as soon as possible.  Barranquilla, Colombia, (June 2018) was achieved as an invited
                   This recognition requests to National Olympic Committees   sport.
                 should be carried out with the most positive and receptive attitude   This is a great success, in view of the program and budget been
                 from our national federations and with all the prudence,   already closed. This excellent result will allow our Caribbean and
                 consideration and respect that Olympism and National Olympic   Central American athletes to start participating in these Games,
                 Committees deserve. The IFBB will be available to assist in these   which were founded in 1926; the second oldest games of the
                 recognition processes, providing documentation and advice when   Olympic program (after the Summer Olympics).
                 necessary.                                        We also attained official participant’s status, as a medalist
                   Those National Federations with recognition by their Olympic   sport, in the Bolivarian Games in Santa Marta, Colombia
                 Committee will do everything necessary to consolidate and   (November 2017), and Sea/Beach Bolivarians, which will be held in
                 reinforce it.                                   Venezuela (February 2018).
                                                                   We will be in contact soon to carry forward this enormous
                 PANAMERICAN Championships                       work, in solidarity and in the best team spirit, paving the way for
                 The site and dates for our 2017 Pan American Championships will   future achievements in the world of Olympism; which will feed a
                 be announced soon. It will be an event for which the appropriate   great legacy for future generations. Our sport, our athletes and the
                 classification criteria must be established considering different   memory of our founder deserve it.
                 aspects; such as recognition status by national authorities and   With my most cordial greetings,
                 national level application of IFBB Anti-Doping. These standards
                 will be applied to all athletes participating in the Games, taking all
                 necessary measures so that our athletes and sport can maintain   Rafael Santonja

                                                                                                In the picture is President
                                                                                                 Santonja with Economist
                                                                                                Danilo Carrera, President
                                                                                                  of ODEBO (Bolivarian
                                                                                                   Sports Organization).

                  One of the most recent images, in February 2017, in Barranquilla (Colombia);
                  together with Mr. Héctor Cardona, President of ODECABE, Mr. Edwin Ross, President
                  of the Aruba Olympic Committee - and General Juan Santiago Estrada.

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