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                    OVER 45 YEARS
                      MEDAL WINNERS:
                     Gold: Rui Ferreira (Portugal)
                      Silver: Hernán Rodriguez
                    Bronze: Karol Kundzicz (Poland)

                     RUI FERREIRA (Portugal)                        Master Men’s Physique over 45 years, open category top three.

                MEN’S FITNESS:                                       WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE:

                Very exciting duel of 2015 world junior champion Lucian Popa   After 3 medals for Latin America in 2015, now 2 medals for
                (Romania), who won both routine rounds, and 2016 South   Europe: Birgit Andersch (Germany, gold) and Muriel Boumazza
                American junior champion Tomas Flamini (Argentina), who won   (France, bronze), separated  by  Brazilian Luciana  Cardoso
                both physique rounds. Popa won once again.           (silver). In the top 6 also competitors from Canada, Malta and
                                                                     Czechia. Altogether, athletes from 4 continents.


                    LUCIAN                                                                  ANDERSCH
                     POPA                                                                      (Germany)


                        JUNIORS                                                                    MASTERS
                    UP TO 23 YEARS                                                              OVER 35 YEARS
                      MEDAL WINNERS:                                                                OPEN
                     Gold: Lucian Popa (Romania)                                                  MEDAL WINNERS:
                       Silver: Tomas Flamini                                                      Gold: Birgit Andersch
                         (Argentina)                                                                 (Germany)
                     Bronze: Huseyin Cem (Turkey)                                               Silver: Luciana Cardoso (Brazil)
                                                                                                 Bronze: Muriel Boumazza

                   Junior Men’s Fitness open category top three.    Master Women’s Physique open category top three.

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  47
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