Page 49 - 2017 baja-ilovepdf-compressed
P. 49

BODYFITNESS:                              The masters overall title remains in Spain: following the 2015 triumph of Yolanda
                                                          Fernandez, now Eva Berenguer dominated this division. In her class (35-44
                                                          years) she was challenged by 2010 world champion Nora Martinez (Paraguay). In
                                                          the overall battle won over +45 years class champion Nina Indset (Norway). The
                                                          junior title also went to Norwegian: Heidrun Ertsaas.

                       HEIDRUN ERTSAAS

                    MEDAL WINNERS:
                    Gold: Heidrun Ertsaas
                     Silver: Jitka Vorlová
                    Bronze: Gabriela Cadeo



                   Junior Women’s Bodyfitness open category top three.
                                 EVA BERENGUER                                                 OVER 45 YEARS

                                           (Spain)                                                  OPEN
                                                                                                 MEDAL WINNERS:
                                                                                                Gold: Nina Indset (Norway)
                                             MASTERS                                            Silver: Rosario Gomez (Spain)
                                            35-44 YEARS                                          Bronze: Anne Marie Flynn
                                             MEDAL WINNERS:
                                            Gold: Eva Berenguer (Spain)
                                           Silver: Nora Martinez (Paraguay)
                                           Bronze: Tibis Araque (Venezuela)

                   Master Women’s Bodyfitness 35-44 years, open category top three.  Master Women’s Bodyfitness over 45 years, open category top three.

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