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P. 54

In the final
                     year of her
                    junior starts,
                    Gissella Diaz
                    took the most
                     title in her                                                            Gissella Diaz (Paraguay)
                    career, after                                                              declared the junior
                    being tied in                                                             fitness overall winner
                    her category                                                             by President Santonja
                    and winning                                                              and Mr. Pawel Filleborn.
                    the overall by
                     1 point (7:8)
                    over the 2016
                   world women’s                             JUNIOR FITNESS OVERALL:
                    Eva Banikova
                     (Slovakia).                                  Gissella Diaz (Paraguay)

                 THE BEST TEAM AWARD: Spain

                 Top 10 was dominated by European and Latin American
                 countries. Spain perfectly selected their national team of
                 10 athletes, each of them winning a medal! They earned
                 the same number of points (130) like in 2015 and regained
                 the best team title. Poland, with 21 athletes and 102
                 points, won 5 medals and moved up from 3  to 2  place.
                 Then France (93 points, 6 medals). Next places went
                 to Slovakia, Brazil, Germany and Dominican Republic,
                 which  earned between  80 and 90  points. Mexico  and
                 Ecuador in the top 10 once again, with Russia in the 10
                 position. Japan was the best Asian country (12  place)   Poland was the second best team team, behind Spain, with an
                 and South Africa – the best African national team (16    excellent combination of 21 juniors and masters, who won many final
                 place). Altogether, 46 countries were classified.    places. Here, the Polish team posing with President Santonja and
                                                                      Polish Fedration President, Mr. Pawel Filleborn.
                                                                                                    of the 2017 World
                                                                                                    Junior & Master
                                                                                                    Championships top
                                                                                                    three national teams:
                                                                                                    Spain (1  place),
                                                                                                    Poland (2  place)
                                                                                                    and France (3  place)
                                                                                                    with their trophies,
                                                                                                    accompanied by
                                                                                                    IFBB President, Dr.
                                                                                                    Rafael Santonja and
                                                                                                    General Secretary,
                                                                                                    Mr. William Tierney.
                                                                                             CLASSIFICATION: (TOP 6)
                                                                                             1 st  Spain (130 points)
                                                                                             2 nd  Poland (102 points)
                                                                                             3 rd  France (93 points)
                                                                                             4 th  Slovakia (89 points)
                                                                                             5 th  Brazil (84 points)
                                                                                             6 th  Germany  (82 points)

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  53
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59