Page 150 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 150


           JordAn tries to combine the   the large group of local   was more complete and had a   disciplines, we saw the best
           tradition of centuries of   athletes, who won most of   better back. His pose   overall level of the entire
           history with the dynamism of   the medals in contention,   sometimes did not give his   event. There were eight
           the large number of young   together with the Iraqi team.   all, and the Iraqi was larger   bodybuilding classes,
           people filling the hundreds of   In Classic Bodybuilding, size   with excellent legs; however,   starting with the 65 kg class,
           gyms of the country. We   up to 171 cm, the Jordanian   a huge tattoo did not favour   where Ahmad Makableh from
           were lucky enough to attend   Ala Al Marzoq won with a   him when it came to showing   Jordan presented a balanced,
           a great edition of the    very aesthetic, balanced   muscle detail. In the class of   large physique with a correct
           mythical Mr Universe on   physique and good posing. In   more than 180, the forceful   competition condition. In less
           Jordanian soil and with a   up to 175 the Iraqi Ahmed   physique of the Iraqi Dhafer   than 70 kilos the winner was
           participation of more than   Qasim presented a      Al Muntaser took the victory.   not clear until the very end of
           200 athletes. In the sports   resounding physique and a   The overall title went to the   the posing round. The
           centre of the private     good condition. In up to 180   winner of the short class, the   Jordanian Ahmad Hamdan
           University of Amman       there was a great duel    Jordanian Ala Al Marzoq, who   took the victory thanks to an
           everything was prepared for   between the Jordanian Sami   imposed his physique ahead   important size with
           a successful event.       Zwayed and the Iraqi Ameer   of the rest of the winners.  acceptable shape, although
              As regards the sporting   Saeb, which was decided in   In Bodybuilding, the most   with legs that could be
           aspect, we’d like to highlight   favour of the Jordanian, who   numerous of all the   improved. The toughest of

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