Page 148 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 148

mr. UnIVerse

                                    ramsar- Iran

             “ Last February, the first 2023 edition of Mr. Universe was held in Ramsar in Iran.”

                                   FARSHAd EBAdI
                                    CBB-175cm and
                                    overall CBB.
                                                                        complete pHoto

             í  ramsar is a city in the    men and women’s FITNESS            Bodybuilding gathered around
               province of Mazandaran,     CHALLENGE and women’s arm        270 participants in the amateur
          on the coast of the Caspian Sea.   wrestling were added. A total of   classes. As is usual in Iran, the
          The inhabitants of this tourist   18 countries were represented at   physique presented by all athletes
          area near to the mountains and   the opening ceremony, attended   in all disciplines had a great
          with attractive beaches had      by the President of the IFBB, Dr.   dispute due to the level of all the
          the opportunity to witness the   Rafael Santonja and the President   participants.
          event that kicked off the IFBB   of the Iranian Federation, Dr.     Almost 15 thousand dollars
          competition season.              Abdolmehdi Nasirzadeh, and also,   in prizes were distributed to the
            Sports days of the highest     among other authorities, by the   Overall winners, in addition to 16
          level in Ramsar, as several      Mayor of Ramsar, Mr. Mohsen      ELITE PRO cards. The winners of
          sports were included such as the   Ahmadi and the Governor of the   the Overalls could participate in the
          STRONGMAN and all the divisions   Mazandaran Province, Mr. Ebrahim   ELITE PRO event that was held on
          of men’s bodybuilding, and also   S. Ashourian.                   the afternoon of Saturday the 18th.

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