Page 157 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 157

complete pHoto

          thanks to his good legs and a   stood out; although it was   classes that were held in the   At 180 cm, the Iraqi Nawaf Hatem
          correct competition shape. In   finally Ali Hadi Hessein who   senior age. In up to 168 cm the   Shuhaib showed good form that
          up to 180 cm, the young Iraqi   defeated his compatriot thanks   Syrian Abdelrahman Kharouf   was enough to earn him first
          Ahmed Ali Al-Zurfi took the   to a good body size. In the   took the gold. At up to 171 cm, the   place. In the tallest class, the
          victory against 10 other   overall, the Syrian of 175 cm   Syrian Remon Tourkmani was the   local athlete Nezar Wahbi Wahbi
          athletes thanks to his   Abdalwahab Sobhi Boudaka   unanimous champion to the   beat 10 other athletes by
          combination of good shape,   prevailed over everyone.  judges. At 175 cm, Tawfik   imposing his law. The Overall
          definition and size for the class.   In Classic Physique we had   Alabboud won with his excellent   champion was Tawfik Alabboud,
          At more than 180 cm two Iraqis   quality and quantity in all five   combination of size and V shape.   the 175 cm champion.

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