Page 50 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 50

X Central amerICan BodYBUIldInG

                                 and FItness ChampIonshIp

                 í  the X central             speakers in the area such as Eng.   Salvadoran Federation before the
                   american  Bodybuilding
                                              Eduardo Abdalah, president of the
                                                                              National Institute of Sports (INDES),
                   and Fitness Championship was   Central American and Pan-American   the Organizing Committee of the XXIV
              held in San Salvador, El Salvador from   Confederation of Bodybuilding and   Central American and Caribbean
              May 26 to 28. It was organized by the   Fitness, as well as international judge,   Games (COSSAN) with the recognition
              Salvadoran Federation of Bodybuilding   Mr. Fabrizzio Hernandez international   of the Olympic Committee of El
              and Related Sports under the    judge and the national speakers Lic.   Salvador. The Salvadoran Federation
              leadership of President Fabrizzio   Melvin Zepeda and Rene Gálvez.  of Bodybuilding and Related Sports is
              Hernandez.                         The final results within the   grateful for the leadership of national
                 The event was attended by    competition placed Honduras as   sports entities such as Lic. Yamil
              the Central American countries:   first place, El Salvador as runner-up   Bukele, president of INDES and
              Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica,   and Nicaragua in third place. The   COSSAN and Lic. Armando Bruni,
              Nicaragua and the host El Salvador.   presidents of Honduras and Costa   president of COES.
              It was held at the Teatro Presidente, a   Rica, Francis Lara Smart and Edgar   During the event, Professor Rene
              beautiful and appropriate facility for   Sánchez, were pleased with the   Santos González received a recognition
              this type of event that has been used in   development of the event. El Salvador   medal for his hard and long work with
              previous years for other international   enjoys being the safest country in the   the FSFC. Alma Vásquez from Mexico
              championships.                  Americas and is a great enhancer of   also received a recognition medal for
                 Within the agenda, a seminar of   sport through future.      her support as an international judge,
              regional and national judges was   The championship was made    who was in charge of the technical
              held, which had the most experienced   possible due to the efforts of the   direction of the championship.

                                                  OvERALL BODyBUILDING:
                                       Melvin Rigoberto Rivera (El Salvador “Silver”), Maswell David Vallegos
                                         (Nicaragua “Bronze”), Andy Josué Ramírez (Honduras “gold”).

                                                                         BIKINI FITNESS 160 CM:
                                                                       Tania Sofia Santos (Guatemala 4 .),
                                                                        Sindy Saraí Claros (El Salvador
                                                                        “silver”), Katherine Jasmín Viera
              OvERALL BIKINI FITNESS:                                  (Honduras “gold”), Amalia Fernanda
         Jeannette López Ramírez (El Salvador “gold”),                  Araniva (El Salvador “bronze”).
         Katherine Jasmín Viera (Honduras “silver”).

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