Page 54 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 54

2023 eUropeaN


                          complete pHoto
                                                                “continuing its role from the past years,
                                                                  santa susanna proved to be the top
                                                                  efficient host city for the continental
                                                                    biggest physique sports event!”

           after difficult time of         decision of the EFBB Executive Council   stage well before midnight each day.
           the Covid-19 pandemic, European   – cannot participate in the European   European Fitness and Bodybuilding
           physique sports fully “recovered”,   Championships (but can enter the   Federation (new name and logo!)
           showing unexpected progress in   World Championships). They usually   headed by Dr. Rafael Santonja and
           popularity and attendance.      registered an additional 150 or more   Santa Susanna Mayor, Mr. Joan
            With 1,030 entries from 44     athletes for continental championships.   Campolier, did their best to create the
           countries, it was the largest European   Finland and France entered the   best possible conditions for athletes,
           Championships in history, with a   biggest teams (80+) but most of the   officials and spectators and they
           slightly higher attendance than in   medals went to Romania, Spain and   perfectly know how to do it and what
           2018 and 2019, so before the Covid-19   Ukraine. Taking into account previous   is needed. Moreover, there was a very
           pandemic. And it happened without   years, these Championships took one   interesting Expo at the venue, with the
           national teams from Russia and   day more and it was a perfect decision,   biggest number of exhibitors ever seen
           Belarus, which – according to the   enabling to finish the battle on the   at this event!



        All bodybuilding divisions have also fully “recovered” from the   o V er al l  WINN ers
        pandemic, showing significantly more athletes than in 2022.
        Three Overall titles went to Ukraine, two to Azerbaijan and   Men’s Bodybuilding   Yusif Nurullayev (Azerbaijan)
        one to Serbia, so athletes from Eastern Europe dominated   Men’s Classic Physique   Stanislav Vizenher (Ukraine)
        this division. Despite so many titles in the Overall, Ukraine   Men’s Classic Bodybuilding   Dmytro Simak (Ukraine)
        didn’t win the Best Team Classification, taking 2nd place, just   Men’s Games Classic Bodybuilding   Ivan Banjanac (Serbia)
                                                                                      Yevhenii Moskovtsev (Ukraine)
                                                          Men’s Physique
        behind Spain, with a narrow distance of 3 points.
                                                          Muscular Men’s Physique     Hidayat Maharramli (Azerbaijan)


        Three gold medals were won by Spanish athletes,
        the rest went to Romania, Kosovo, Azerbaijan
        and Turkey. Emil Giurgiu of Romania (70 kg) was
        the only champion to win for the second time in a
        row. The Overall winner, graduated from the Baku
        University Yusif Nurullayev  (90 kg), took part in
        the continental championships for the first time.

                               BODYBUILDING UP TO 70 KG
                               Gold: Emil Giurgiu (Romania)
                              Silver: Francisco Castillo (Spain)
                              Bronze: John O’Donnell (Ireland)

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