P. 61

B Y J O S É M A R Í A G A R CÍ A  •  PH O T OS :  J OS E F  A D L T
                                     When your

                                    won’t grow

                                                The biceps may be the
                                                most sought after of
                                                all the muscles in your
                                                body, a question that
                                                has even become an
                                                obsession for many
                                                people inside and
                                                outside the world of
                                                bodybuilding, and one
                                                that doesn’t always have
                                                the desired response
                                                from our body.

                                                  Many articles have been written
                                                about why you cannot seem to
                                                develop a muscle that shouldn’t really
                                                give you more problems than any
                                                other muscle when training them,
                                                besides the simple fact of it is one of
                                                the minor muscles of the human
                                                  This means that we can never
                                                compare the size we achieve in our
                                                biceps with others such as legs,
                                                buttocks or back. Still, this doesn’t
                                                seem to make people any happier,
                                                and it does not provide them with any
                                                kind of comfort, because, clearly, it
                                                obsesses them so much that they lose
                                                perspective. What we should be doing
                                                in stead, is applying the rules that tell
                                                us when it is possible for muscles to

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