P. 62

flex the elbow (supinating the     the main working muscle,
             grow. These are 3 rules: training,    forearm is the secondary           distributing the effort and
             food and rest. If other muscles       function). That is why,            making other muscles
             develop in your body and your         although it may seem               intervene. At this point we
             biceps do not, the answer would       obvious, many times we do          need to remind ourselves that
             seem easy: your technique when        not do this because the rep        we are not powerlifters – we
             performing the exercises is not       routines are not complete. My      are bodybuilders.
             correct or you are simply doing too   recommendation is also to
             many exercises or doing them too      stop right at the beginning      •  Don’t move your elbow. This is
             many times a week.                                                       essential, so much so that
                                                   and end of each part (positive
               In the event that you manage        and negative) of each rep, as      even some machines, such as
             to determine that it is a lack of     this will make your biceps         the Scott or Preacher, have
             technique, which usually happens      work harder.                       been designed to prevent this
             90% of the time, we must try to                                          from happening. When you
             mend this error. In order to        •  Endure the pain. As you           move your elbow forward, the
             achieve this, we have the             complete reps, the lactic acid     action is NOT carried out by
             following tips:                       produced inside the muscle         your biceps; it is carried out by
                                                   will make you notice a             your shoulder or delts. As you
               •  Do the exercise slowly. Going    burning sensation that is not      can imagine, that does not
                 fast through your routine         easy to bear sometimes, but        make your biceps develop.
                 usually means you intend to       are the sensations that will
                 finish as soon as possible and    transport you to the next level   An example for a routine for
                 many times this means that        of physical development. You   someone who has been training for
                 you rely on rebounds and          have to improve your effort   1 or 2 years could be the following: 3
                 momentum, even swinging           and this can be an indication   x 12 seated concentration curl and a
                 the rest of your body. Avoid      of whether or not you reach   standing curl 21s, doing 3-4 sets. If
                 this, as all of the mentioned     the required level.           you’ve been around for 5-6 years or
                 above makes the bicep work                                      have a respectable bicep size, you
                 less, and if it works less,     •  Use less kilos. Sometimes in   might consider finishing with two
                 obviously, it will develop less.   our sport, the big problem is   sets of a cable biceps curl. Don’t
                                                   that we want to move many     train your biceps more than once a
               •  Remember that you have to        kilos, maybe too many. In fact,   week. And if you follow the advice
                 flex your elbow. The main         so many that we lose the      you have read before, they will surely
                 function of the biceps is to      participation of our biceps as   end up growing.

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