Her fitness journey began at the age of 8 year old. Before transitioning to the junior and women’s categories, she competed in the children’s category, securing several awards.
She became the champion of Europe and the second vice-champion of the world. Now, it has been almost 8 years since she started her fitness journey.

Her training is almost every day, sometimes even in two sessions, always giving 100% effort!

“I have two coaches, Karin Suchomelová and Miroslav Šolc. These individuals help me become a better person and athlete each day, serving as great motivation for me”. Are her words.

The World Championships in Santa Susana were the first for her in the junior’s and women’s categories. She didn’t expect much, but she always went on stage with the desire to give the best possible performance.
Somehow, she managed to win gold medals two times that day and two times the title of overall winner, which was an incredible feeling.
The day after that, she competed in one more category, bodyfitness juniors, where she managed to earn another gold medal and the title of world champion in bodyfitness.
Congratulation Anna for your incredible career.!