IFBB Coaches Commission

Empowering Coaches, Elevating Fitness

Welcome to the official home of the IFBB Coaches Commission, where elite coaching meets unparalleled community support. As the global authority in fitness and bodybuilding coaching, the IFBB Coaches Commission is dedicated to fostering excellence, innovation, and collaboration among coaches worldwide.

Why Join the IFBB Coaches Commission?

  1. A Thriving Community and Network

Become part of an exclusive network of like-minded professionals committed to excellence. Connect, collaborate, and grow with fellow IFBB Coaches from around the world. Our community is your gateway to shared knowledge, support, and professional camaraderie.

  1. Unmatched Professional Development

Access a wealth of resources tailored to elevate your coaching skills. From cutting-edge seminars and webinars to comprehensive training programs, the IFBB Coaches Commission offers continuous learning opportunities designed to keep you at the forefront of the fitness industry.

  1. Global Recognition and Certification

Earn certification that is recognized and respected globally. As an IFBB Coach, you gain credibility and prestige, showcasing your commitment to high standards and professional excellence.

  1. Exclusive Events and Congresses

Participate in premier events such as the annual IFBB Coaches Congress, regional training camps, and specialized coaching seminars. These events provide invaluable opportunities for networking, learning, and professional growth.

  1. Comprehensive Resources and Support

Benefit from exclusive access to coaching tools, educational materials, and the latest research in sports science. Our resources are designed to support you in delivering the highest quality coaching to your athletes.

Upcoming Events

1st IFBB Coaches Congress

Date: November

Location: Santa Susana, Barcelona, Spain

Details: Join us for an inspiring and informative event where top coaches from around the world gather to share insights, strategies, and the latest trends in fitness and bodybuilding coaching.

Key Features of the IFBB Coaches Commission

  • Direct Communication: Enhance your coaching practice with direct access to communication channels with fellow coaches and experts.
  • Elevate Coaching Quality: Participate in initiatives that elevate the standards of fitness and bodybuilding coaching globally.
  • Global Recognition: Be part of the official Federation of Fitness and Bodybuilding, recognized by major institutions worldwide.
  • Credibility and Prestige: Align yourself with the IFBB, known for its contribution to a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Stay Updated: Always be informed about the latest sports trends through continuous education and professional development opportunities.
  • Clean Sport : Spread knowledge of IFBB rules and anti-doping regulations, ensuring clean and ethical sportsmanship.
  • Coaches Book: Receive a Coaches book (similar to a blue book) to document your credentials and achievements.
  • Official Identification: Get an official IFBB chest badge for identification.

How to Join

  • Certification: Complete an IFBB preparation course or submit a CV with a recommendation letter from your National Federation.
  • Annual Membership Fee: €50, which includes various member benefits and

Contact Us

For more information, please reach out to your national federation or email us at

Together, we can shape the future of fitness and bodybuilding, one coach at a time.

IFBB Coaches Commission – Empowering Coaches, Elevating Fitness