Last weekend, this great World Championship took place in ČaČak, Serbia, with an excellent organization by the Serbian federation team and its president, Mr. Goran Ivanovic, with the support of the Sport Association of Serbia and the Ministry of Sport of the Republic.
An event that highlighted the importance of sports in childhood and youth, promoting essential values such as discipline, dedication, and teamwork.
This great day of sports celebration took place in a family-friendly and festive atmosphere, filled with positive energy, with parents, coaches, and teammates cheering on the young athletes.
Here are some of the most outstanding competitors:
Fitness Challenge Mini Girls Up to 6-8 Years: Anna Miracle-Borza.
Fitness Challenge Mini Girls Up to 9-10 Years: Mihaela Horvat.
Fitness Challenge Mini Boys 11-13 Years: David Matlak.
Fitness Challenge Mini Boys 14-15 Years: Martin Koleda.
Fitness Challenge Mini Girls Up to 14-15 Years: Sara Zinaic.
CLASS A: Fitness Boys up to 7 years: William Bondra.
CLASS B: Fitness Boys 8-9 years: Zoran Kiric.
CLASS C: Fitness Boys 10-11 years: Tommy Hadlik.
CLASS F: Fitness Girls 12 years: Kristina Dudina.
CLASS G: Fitness Girls 13 years: Szofia Hatis.
CLASS H: Fitness Girls 14 years: Julia Matera.
CLASS I: Fitness Girls 15 years: Nikolett Csepany.
Among many others.
We congratulate all the young athletes for their impressive performance and sportsmanship.