The IFBB Academy operates as a global network offering top-tier educational services. Graduates from our academy have gone on to achieve successful careers in the sports industry.
This past weekend, in Palestine, a Fitness Challenge course garnered significant participation from sports enthusiasts and trainers alike. The Palestinian Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness plays a vital role in the community and recently entered into a memorandum of cooperation with Al-Istiqlal University, emphasizing the importance of sports and physical fitness in promoting a healthy and successful society. This collaboration aims to raise awareness about physical fitness and sports within Palestinian society.
IFBB Academy Dubai once again hosted an outstanding educational event, the fourth-level course for advanced trainers in the IFBB fitness and bodybuilding program.
This two-day event took place at the Occidental Hotel in Dubai and was conducted by an international team of professors, including Engineer Walid Abdul Karim, the Chief International Professor and the Academy’s General Manager, and international professor Lieutenant Colonel Sultan Al-Atbi, among other distinguished authorities.
Dr. Rafael Santoga, President of the International Federation, extends warm greetings to all participants.