The IFBB activities and Bodybuilding international events, in the Caribbean area, have been skyrocketing thanks to key officials as the ones we can see, in the picture, joining President Santonja.
Mr. Tony Peña (left) is the president of Dominican Republic Federation (FDFF) and an experienced organizer has he proved in the recent events celebrated in the country. He has been elected as the First Vice-president of the Central American & Caribbean Confederation (CACBBFF), in the recent Annual Congress celebrated in México City.
Completing the image, Mr. Adolfo Martinez is the president of Venezuela Federation (FVFC) and the Chairman of the Judges Committee, in the Caribbean organization and in the CSFF (South America). He is a really experienced international official and judge always focused on promoting our sports.
Central America & Caribe is hosting this year an important number of international contest, being the next coming one the Giovanni Arendsz Classic Pro Qualifier that will be held, in Aruba, on August 24th – 26th.
Picture (left to right): Mr. Toni Peña, Dr. Rafael Santonja and Mr. Adolfo Martínez.