The current Vice-president of the Mexican Olympic Committee (COM) and former Gral. Secretary of Pan American Sport Organization (PASO-PANAM SPORTS), Eng. Jimena Saldaña de Aja; has been awarded with the prestigious IFBB Gold Order, in recognition to her important contribution to Bodybuilding & Fitness, in its integration into the American Olympic organizations, besides her great support and guidance.
Mrs. Saldaña, one of the most well-known executive women in the Sport; has been awarded, on behalf IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja; by the most representative Mexican Bodybuilding & Fitness executives as Mr. Francisco Cabezas -president of the National Federation (FMFF)- and his son, Mr. Marco Cabezas -IFBB Vice-president for North America and General Secretary of the Central American & Caribbean Confederation (CACBBFF).
The award ceremony, originally scheduled for the recent 45th Central American & Caribbean Bodybuilding Championships held in Mexico City, took place this first week of September, in the facilities of the Mexican Olympic Committee.
Picture: Mr. Marco Cabezas -IFBB Vice-president for North America-, Eng. Jimena Saldaña de Aja -Mexican Olympic Committee Vice-president- and Mr. Francisco Cabezas -FMFF President-.