Led by the Chairman of the IFBB Judges Committee, Mr. Pawel Filleborn; and assisted by the Polish Federation Vice-president, Mr. Andrew Michalak, and national Judges Committee Chairman, Mr. Arkadiusz Kempinski; during the weekend February 8th -10th, an important Judges Seminar was held at the elegant “Avangarda Hotel“, in Rozan. Over 40 participants, during almost 3 days, attended this Seminar that included the “Test of Theoretical Knowledge of the IFBB Judges Rules“, where all participants had to answer 40 questions related to the competition.

In Poland, all Bodybuilding and Fitness judges have to participate in a seminar and pass the Test, every 2 years, if they want to be allowed to judge at the national events. This guarantee the quality and skills of Polish judges.

There are 3 judges classes, in the Polish Federation:

  • Class 3: New judges
  • Class 2:  Judges with at least 2 years of experience
  • Class 1: Highly qualified judges, who may be nominated to participate in the tests for the IFBB International Judge Class C.

Once completed this Seminar, 24 judges passed the test for “Class 3”, another 6 judges were approved for joining “Class 2” and 5 more judges got access to “Class 1”.

Picture: Participants in the Judges Seminar in Rozan (Poland), joining the Chairman of the IFBB Judges Committee, Mr. Pawel Filleborn, and Polish Federation Vice-president, Mr. Andrew Michalak.