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                      FITNESS               BODYFITNESS             BIKINI FITNESS              PHYSIQUE
                      (Estonia)                 (Poland)                 (Russia)                (Ukraine)
                Her tough rivalry against Dominika   Her route to her life success in Bialystok   The biggest sensation of these   “Katya” started to compete in 2012 in
                Multanova started in 2012 when Koroljak   was very tough not only because of   Championships. First time at the   Bodyfitness. In 2015 turned to Physique
                won the battle at the European Junior   demanding opponents but also due to   international contest and first win, also in   and immediately won her category and the
                Championships. In 2013 they both   the race against time. Last August she   the overall! Former ballroom dancer and   overall title at 2015 Arnold Europe but at
                started to compete against seniors and   underwent a knee surgery to cure an   bench presser, started to compete in   the Worlds placed just out of the finals.
                took the top two places at the Women’s   injury which didn’t allow her to train   Bikini in autumn 2015. In 2016 won the   This time was much more successful,
                Worlds in Kiev, with Multanova at the   legs. Three weeks prior to the Worlds   Olympia Amateur Moscow. Her first idol   grasping the gold medal, the overall title
                top. In 2014 the same in Montreal.   she finished 6  at the Cup of Poland due   was European overall champion Kseniia   and the mixed pairs top trophy. Nothing
                Always Multanova has been better in   to softer legs. And finally she managed   Sheveleva, now she is even more   more was available for her at these
                the routine, Koroljak in the physique   to get top quality legs in time!  successful. Her next move? To turn Pro?  Championships!
                round. The same happened in Bialystok
                but her routine was scored much higher,
                so the final triumph.
                                                                 THE BEST TEAMS

                                               Altogether, 50 countries were fighting  after less successful start in 2015
                                               for the best team title but only   (8  place). Spain, as always, in the
                                               countries with bigger teams, over 10   top 6. After a couple of lean years
                                               athletes, entered the top 10. Top 2   Poland regained 4  position
                                               nations: Russia and Ukraine entered   previously won in 2012. Almost all
                                               21 and 20 athletes respectively. They   Brazilian superstars turned Pro and
                                               won almost equal number of silver   new stars need more experience.
                                               and bronze medals but Russia
                                               earned 4 gold medals compared to 2
                                               “golds” by Ukraine. Fantastic series   TOP 6 COUNTRIES
                                               of 3 wins by Russian bikini girls
                                               guaranteed them the best team     1  place: RUSSIA    (147 points)
                                               trophy. This order is the same like in   2  place: UKRAINE   (137 points)
                                               2015; however, the gap in points
                                               between both countries is much    3  place: SLOVAKIA   (114 points)
                                               smaller this time (only 10 points).   4  place: POLAND   (93 points)
                                               Hungary, Brazil and Germany were   5  place: SPAIN    (72 points)
                                               pushed down by Slovakia, Poland
                                               and Spain, which placed 3  to 5  this   6  place: HUNGARY    (59 points)
                                               time. Slovakia returned to the top 3

                   MEN'S PHYSIQUE                                                             IFBB President Dr. Rafael
                   SHAO ZHONG ZHENG                                                           Santonja applauding the
                                                                                              top 3 national teams.
                         (China)                                                              The best team, Russia,
                  First appeared internationally at the                                       was represented by their
                                                                                              General Secretary, Mrs.
                  2014 IFBB World Cup in La Nucia, taking                                     Natalia Mikhailova. The
                  the last position. Then quickly improved                                    runner-up, Ukraine, is
                  winning 2015 Asian  Championships and                                       led  by its President, Mr.
                  Olympia Amateur Asia (also in overall).                                     Igor Deliev (left). Slovak
                  Later on has never lost any contest he                                      Federation President,
                  participated in, adding 2 gold medals at                                    Dr. Milan Cizek (right),
                  the 2015 and 2016 Worlds. Ideal                                             received  the trophy for
                  physique and presentation for this                                          their 3  position.
                  division? It seems so.
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