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P. 42

• Spain returns to the top in the Best Teams classification, ahead of other 45 countries.
                     •  Meaningful presence of the Dominican Republic Olympic Committee at the event.

                      he Caribbean hosted the      Committee President, Mr. Luis     dominated by Spain as the
                      closing event of the IFBB    Mejia Oviedo, M.Sc. and his       best team, followed by Poland,
                   TCalendar once again,           predecessor, Dr. Jose Joaquin     France and Slovakia, with 4
                 successfully organizing the       Puello, attended the event which   Latin American countries:
                 2016 World Juniors & Masters      involved 46 countries and around  Brazil, Dominican Republic,
                 Championships in Santo            a thousand athletes and officials   Mexico and Ecuador in the
                 Domingo, Dominican Republic,      from the entire world.            top 10. Other continents,
                 following the 2015 same event,      IFBB President, Dr. Rafael      represented by Japan, South
                 held in San Salvador. The         Santonja, presided over these     Africa and Canada, took places
                 Dominican Republic Olympic        Championships, which was          between 11  and 16 .

                                               Francisco Corral (left) and Manuel Canadillas
                                               (right) gave Spain the double win in the Masters
                                               40-44 years, over 90 kg category. Bodybuilding
                                               has its golden era in Spain now, providing a lot
                                                     of top quality athletes.

                                                                                          Rafael Vera and Manuel Canadillas
                                                                                        posing for cameras at the end the Master
                                                                                        Bodybuilding overall category. Only Spain
                                                                                         and Brazil were able to enter 2 athletes
                                                                                               into this class.

                                                                   The Dominican Republic
                                                                     Fitness Federation
                                                                    (FDFF) did an excellent
                                                                     work as the host of
                   Oscar Marin didn’t regain the title               these IFBB World
                    won in 2015; however, he placed                  Championships. Its
                   2  in Master Bodybuilding 40-44                  National President, Mr.
                   years, up to 80 kg category, winning            Tony Pena, was honored
                   medals for Spain at every event he              with the IFBB Gold Medal
                        participates in.                             in recognition of his
                                                                                                      Rafael Vera won a
                                                                                                     historical gold medal
                                                                 President Santonja opened           for Spain in the Master
                                                                  the event, accompanied             Bodybuilding over 65
                                                                  by the FDFF officials led          years open category,
                                                                  by its President, Mr. Toni          which disappears in
                                                                   Pena, who received a             2017. Spanish Federation
                                                                  Commemorative Plate for             President, Mr. Jose
                                                                   this edition of the IFBB         Ramos, congratulates the
                                                                  World Juniors & Masters            Spanish grand master
                                                                    Championships.                      champion.

                                                                                 2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  41
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