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                      Men’s Fitness

                                                                           pAlexey Syurtukov (Russia), overall champion of Classic
                   “Martin Drab (Czech        “Bleiquel Colina (Men’s
                  Rep.) wins Master and           Physique) and
                  Overall Bodybuilding             Anastassiya
                  titles, making the leap       Chshekotilova (Fit
                       to Elite Pro.”             Model), the only
                                               representatives from
                     “Wiktoria Nnaka              Venezuela and
                  (Poland) achieves the      Kazakhstan respectively,
                    Junior and Overall       achieve the gold medal.”
                 Bikini titles and closes
                        the season            “Sensational debut of
                       undefeated.”              the new Fit Pair
                                                                          pWiktoria Nnaka (Poland), two-times overall champion of Bikini and
                         he global pandemic   wife, Nieves –General Manager of   Bikini Junior, together with Dr. Alfonso Moran and Mr. Pawel Filleborn.
                         once again prevented   the Festival– as well as mayor of
                         thousands of         Santa Susanna, Joan Campolier,
                 T Bodybuiling and Fitness    who put the entire infrastructure
                  fans from congregating in Spain   of the “ World Capital of Fitness “
                  to participate in the largest   at the service of athletes, officials
                  multisport festival in Europe,   and fans.
                  which was celebrating its 10th   Throughout three days of
                  edition. However, streaming   intense sporting competition, the
                  allowed the five continents to   2020 ACE didn’t miss out on its
                  follow the development of one of   place in history and laid the
                  the most important events on the   foundations for the 2021 edition
                  planet that was held in Santa   to be held in Seville. Next year, it
                  Susanna (Barcelona) from    plans to overcome all the records
                  December 10 to 14. The event was   that it couldn’t reach this year,
                  made possible thanks to the effort   which was complicated for
                  of the organization represented   society in general, and for sports
                  by Dr. Rafael Santonja and his   in particular.         pMariia Burlaka (Ukraine), overall champion of Bikini Master.

                                                                                                          COMPLETE PHOTO


                                        pImposing debut in the ACE of the Fit Pairs discipline, with 9 registered couples.

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  109
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