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The Middleweight                                                                              tThe Semi-
                 (-80 kilos)                                                                              heavyweight
                podium with                                                                               (-95 kilos)
            Mickael de Sousa                                                                              podium with
              (France; silver),                                                                           Jonathan
               Eddy Nguema                                                                                Ramírez (Spain;
               (France; gold)                                                                             silver), Dmytro
              and Khaled Al-                                                                              Marchenko
             Mabrouk (Libya;                                                                              (Ukraine; gold)
                 bronze). u                                                                               and Antonin
                                                                                                          Tema (Czech
                                                                                                          Rep.; bronze).

                 The Super                                                                                tThe
            Middleweight (-85                                                                             Heavyweight
            kilos) podium with                                                                            (+95 kilos)
             Ales Trpisovsky                                                                              podium with
                (Czech Rep.;                                                                              Tomasz
           silver), Mohammed                                                                              Kornalewski
                Fabricius Ali                                                                             (Poland; silver),
              (Denmark; gold)                                                                             Martin Drab
           and Peter Schwarz                                                                              (Czech Rep.;
                 (Germany;                                                                                gold) and Jan
                 bronze).u                                                                                Fobl (Czech
                                                                                                          Rep.; bronze).
                                                  tThe Junior
                                                  with Bryan
                                                  (Germany; gold)
                                                  and Petr Tejkl
                                                  (Czech Rep.;

                                                                                                   Martin Drab
                The Master                                                                          (Czech Rep.)
               (40-44 years)
                podium with                                                                       Martin Drab was double
              Andrei Leonov                                                                       overall Bodybuilding and
              (Russia; silver),                                                                   Bodybuilding Master
                Julio Portet                                                                      champion, making two
                (Spain; gold)                                                                     big titles for the Czech
                 and Michal                                                                       Rep. At 47 and 103 kilos
               Sitter (Czech                                                                      he was one of the stars
             Rep.; bronze).u                                                                      of the 2020 ACE.
                                                                                                 THE BIG STAR was
                                                                                                 Czech Martin Drab,
                                                  tThe Master                                    who came from the
                                                  (45-49 years)                                  PEPA Grand Prix as
                                                  Lightweight (- 80                              overall champion and
                                                  kilos) podium with
                                                  Eddy N´guema                                   with a brand new
                                                  (France; silver),                              professional license in
                                                  Khaled Almabrouk                               his pocket. He didn’t
                                                  (Libya; gold) and                              disappoint and
                                                  Rafael de Pedro                                achieved 4 gold
                                                  (Spain; bronze).                               medals, dominating the
                                                                                                 overall and master
                                                                                                 competition, and
                                                                      BODYBUILDING               qualifying for the ACE
                                                                                                 Pro, where he was
                                                                                                 able to enter the Top 5.
                                                                                                   After Drab, two
                The Master                                                SUPER FINAL (TOP 3):
               (45-49 years)                                                                     excellent characters
              Heavyweight (+                                        1.   Martin Drab (Czech Rep.)   5 points  like Mohammad F. Ali
             80 kilos) podium                                       2. Dmytro Marchenko (Ukraine)     10 points  (champion also in
                with Marco                                          3.    Mohammed F. Ali (Denmark)   15 points  Classic Physique) and
                 Bachmann                                                                        Dmytro Marchenk who,
               (Switzerland;                                                                     like Drab, closed his
               silver), Martin                                          MASTER SUPER FINAL (TOP 3):  amateur career with a
                Drab (Czech                                                                      gold medal, before
                 Rep.; gold)                                        1.   Martin Drab (Czech Rep.)   5 points
               and José Luis                                        2. Khaled Almabrouk (Libya)    12 points  standing out in
                Ortíz (Spain;                                       3.    Julio Portet (Spain)   17 points  professional
                 bronze).u                                                                       competition.

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