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                 LOTS OF NEW FACES in a Division that           SUPER FINAL (TOP 3):
                 featured two new stars: Alina Wilhem and
                 Veronika Rynesova. The German took the   1.   Alina Wilhelm (Germany)   5 points
                 overall title, while the Czech took 2 gold   2. Veronika Rynesova (Czech Rep.)    12 points
                 medals: the Tall class and the Master class.   3.    Raluca Biro (Romania)    12 points

                                                                                                     Alina Wilhem
                 pThe Master podium, with Elke Van den Bergh (The   pThe Short Class (-158 cm) podium, with Assna Hassani   Overall Bodyfitness
                 Netherlands; silver), Veronika Rynesova (Czech Rep.; gold)   (France; silver), Raluca Biro (Romania; gold) and Tiia Kaare   champion.
                 and Jennifer Holguera (Spain; bronze).   (Estonia; bronze).

                                                                                                            tThe Tall
                  The Middle                                                                                Class (+163
                  Class (-163                                                                               cm) podium,
                 cm) podium,                                                                                with Rejoice
                  with Petra                                                                                Godwin
                   Lacinova                                                                                 (Nigeria;
                 (Czech Rep.;                                                                               silver), Vero-
                 silver), Alina                                                                             nika Rynesova
                    Wilhelm                                                                                 (Czech Rep.;
                  (Germany;                                                                                 gold) and
                   gold) and                                                                                Elke Van den
                 Rocío Araújo                                                                               Bergh (The
                     (Spain;                                                                                Netherlands;
                  bronze).u                                                                                 bronze).

                                                            tThe Master podium with Vanessa
                                                            Soares (Spain; silver), Rebeca Climent
                                                            (Spain; gold) and Karin Pieenar (Great
                                                            Britain; bronze).


                                                            WITH THE RETURN to 2 height
                                                            categories as in 2018, the title
                                                            went to Dagmara Dominiczak,
                                                            who had no problem repeating
                                                            her 2019 gold in the short
                                                            class. Special mention to the
                                                            Spanish Rebeca Climent, who
                                                            achieved gold in the Master
                                                            class and bronze in the short

                                                                    SUPER FINAL (TOP 2):
                                                              1.   Dagmara Dominiczak (Poland)   6 points
                                                              2.    Viktoriia Shcherbakova (Russia)  9 points

                                                            tThe Tall Class (+163 cm)
                                                            podium with Amanda Vente
                                                            (Italy; silver), Viktoriia   pThe Short Class (-163 cm) podium
                                                            Shcherbakova (Russia; gold)   with Eunice Cristóbal (Portugal; silver),
                                                            and Karin Pienaar (Great    Dagmara Dominiczak (Poland; gold) and
                                                            Britain; bronze).           Rebeca Climent (Spain; bronze).

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