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The Master
               (50-54 years)
                with Mariusz
              (Poland; silver),
                Mikhail Iusev
               (Russia; gold)
                 and Carlos
              Cabello (Spain;
                 bronze). u

                The Master
                 (+55 years)
                podium with
              José Quiñones
                 silver), Ray
                Polfliet (The
                  gold) and
                  Martínez                                         pThe Mixed Pairs podium, with Carole Rochont & Joseph
                   (Spain;                                         Doutau (France; silver) and Ekaterina Kochergina & Andrey
                 bronze).u                                         Popov (Russia; gold).

                   CLASSIC PHYSIQUE

                IN ITS THIRD YEAR as an official
                discipline, Classic Physique grew
                again with the inclusion of the Master
                class, won by Belgian Antonio de la
                Quintana. The leading role was played
                by Romanian Safier Iancu, who not
                only revalidated his 2019 Middle Class
                title, but also won the overall title,
                with 1 point advantage over Russian
                Alexey Syurtukov.
                                                  pThe Master division podium, with Richard Bilik (Czech   Mesa
                                                  Rep.; silver), Antonio de la Quintana (Belgium; gold) and
                          SUPER FINAL (TOP 3):    Peter Stiewe (France; bronze).             (Spain)
                                                                                            Short Class
                    1.   Safier Iancu (Romania)   8 points                                   (-171 cm)
                    2. Alexey Syurtukov (Russia)     9 points                                champion.
                    3.    Jonay Mesa (Spain)   15 points

                                                  pThe Middle Class   The Tall Class
                                                  (-175 cm) podium,   (-180 cm) podium,
                                                  with Mikhailo       with Eduardo
                                                  Kysliakov (Ukraine;   Duarte (Portugal;
                                                  silver), Safier Iancu   silver), Mohammed
                                                  (Romania; gold) and   Fabricius Ali
                                                  Daniel Kunikowski   (Denmark; gold)
                                                  (Poland; bronze).   and Kiril Kiryakov

                                           Safier Iancu                                                   tThe Super Tall
                                             (Romania)                                                    Class (+180 cm)
                                                                                                          podium, with Angelo
                                                                                                          Sepín (Spain; silver),
                                          Overall Classic Physique                                        Alexey Syurtukov
                                                                                                          (Russia; gold) and
                                                                                                          Bohdan Redko
                                                                                                          (Ukraine; bronze).

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  111
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