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his was a year to forget as   international travel caused by the   sports authorities, the 74th edition of
                           regards sports, finances,   health and safety situation, more than   the Bodybuilding & Fitness World
                           social life and virtually   500 athletes were brought together to   Championship could be held on the
                           any field you can come of.   participate in this event.  scheduled dates.
                  TThe IFBB achieved what           The town of Santa Susanna, with   The organization of the
                 only a handful of sports federations   the unalterable commitment of its   championship was exemplary, at all
                 were able to do: to maintain a   local authorities, represented by IFBB   times supervised by the Medical
                 calendar of activities that included   patron and mayor Joan Campolier,   Commission. The IFBB Annual
                 their World Cup, thus giving way to   had already made the great previous   Congress also took place in Santa
                 the efforts of their athletes, who had   experience of the European   Susanna during the days of the
                 been preparing for this event.   Championship possible. Santa      championship. A very important
                 President Santonja was able to lead   Susanna’s material and logistical   number of national federations were
                 and coordinate the efforts of the   conditions (hotels, plenty of space and   represented, and they all unanimously
                 national federations, allowing for   a sports pavilion) make the creation of   supported the proposal to move the
                 more than fifty of them to meet in   a “safety bubble” for athletes and   10th edition of the Arnold Classic
                 Spain. From November 5 to 11,    IFBB personnel possible. Thanks to   Europe to the “World Capital of
                 overcoming all restrictions on   this, and to the support from Spanish   Fitness “, barely 4 weeks later.

                    pFarbad Chaharlang
                    (Sweden) achieved the
                    overall Men´s Physique
                    title and was the leader of
                    his national team.

                          Aleksandr Martynkin went down in history as the 74th   pErick Sánchez   pUkraine began to
                          IFBB Bodybuilding World Champion. His victory, leading   achieved the overall   cement its best team
                          the Russian team, was the best result achieved by a   Classic Bodybuilding   title thanks to victories
                          country that had to leave several athletes behind, due to   title for Guatemala.  such as Yurii Zymohliad,
                          international restrictions on travel. p                               overall Classic Physique

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  13
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