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Illia Karpenko (Ukraine), was
                                                        proclaimed Men’s Physique World
                                                        Champion in Super Tall class, just
                                                        1 point ahead of Frenchman Ali

                  Pierre Martin
                  Murcia (France),
                  who reached
                  the finals in
                  2019, improved                                                                         tAnton
                  his physique to                                                                        Papezhuk
                  proclaim himself                                                                       (Ukraine),
                  Men’s Physique                                                                         Muscular
                  World Champion                                                                         Men´s
                  in Tall class,                                                                         Physique
                  with a 2-point                                                                         World
                  advantage                                                                              champion.
                  over the Swiss
                                                                                   MUSCULAR MEN’S PHYSIQUE
                              TALL CLASS (-182 cm)     SUPER TALL CLASS (+182 cm)          (Open)
                            Gold:  Pierre Martin Murcia (France)  Gold:  Illia Karpenko (Ukraine)  Gold:  Anton Papezhuk (Ukraine)
                            Silver:  Alexander Ronchetti (Switzerland)    Silver:  Ali Nezamizadeh (France)    Silver:  Eze Bright (Belgium)
                           Bronze:  Damian Dombrowski (Poland)   Bronze:  George Soare (Romania)   Bronze:  Kamil Kozlik (Poland)
                            4th:  Antonio Moreno (Spain)  4th:  Vladimir Lanevich (Russia)  4th:  Sergii Tkachenko (Ukraine)
                            5th:   Ats Lahi (Estonia)    5th:   Filip Olsavsky (Slovakia)  5th:   Donatas Rapsas (Lithuania)
                            6th:   Rami Khalil (Finland)  6th:    Andreas Hamberg (Finland)  6th:   Kevin Secundino (France)

                             OVERALL CHAMPION:                                   BEST TEAM AWARD:
                          Farbad Chaharlang (Sweden)                                     Ukraine
                                                                         A total of 27 countries managed to place athletes in
                                                                         the finals and score in this edition, in which Egypt and
                                                                         Guatemala were the only non-European countries that
                                                                         entered the Top 10.
                                                                            The best team title went to Ukraine, ahead of Spain
                                                                         and Poland, who completed the podium. Along with
                                                                         these teams, we must highlight the growth of Romania
                                                                         and France, both rising to the Top 6, thanks to the
                                                                         quality of their athletes. Spain took advantage of the
                                                                         possibility of having a complete team and improved its
                                                                         position of 2016 and 2017, when it reached the bronze
                                                                         medal. Their silver medal in this championship is a
                                                                         good indicator of the quality of their Bodybuilders.

                    Despite his smaller stature, Farbad Chaharlang (Sweden) took the overall Men´s Physique
                   World Champion title by majority decision of the judges, beating Pierre Murcia (left) and Illia
                                      Karpenko (centre).

                                                                                                    RESULTS (TOP 7)
                                                                                                   1      Ukraine   (146 points)
                                                                                                  2      Spain    (115 points)
                                                                                                  3  Poland   (101 points)
                                                                                                  4  Romania   (77 points)
                                                                                                  5  France    (71 points)
                                                                                                  6  Russia   (70 points)
                                                                                                  7  Slovakia   (55 points)
                                                                                                  8  Egypt    (52 points)
                                                                                                  9  Austria   (48 points)
                                                                                                  10  Guatemala   (44 points)
                   Farbad Chaharlang celebrates his overall title, together with the mayor of Santa Susanna, Mr.
                                Joan Campolier, and President Santonja.

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  17
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